Knights of Columbus #3999 Annual ‘Pig Out’ Dinner & Auction
Saturday, February 27, 2010 at the Hermiston Conference Center:
doors open 6:30PM, Dinner at 7PM.
We welcome you and all your friends. Over 100 auction items and a delicious Pork Loin Dinner -all for only $20 per person. Call and sign up for the dinner (there are no tickets) or purchase at the door. ($20 ea.) Save $: Reserve a table of 8 ($140 = $17.50 ea) or table of 10 ($170 = $17 ea).
Questions or Tickets:
Call Gene Erhardt 541-667-8376 or cell 541-310-9249
Raffle Tickets for 2 Wangye Skooters or $500 & $250 Grocery Sprees ($10 ea) and/or Tickets for ½ Beef or whole or ½ Pork ($5ea)