Monday, January 26, 2009

“Gather Around the Table” WINNERS

5:30 p.m. Saturday Michael & Kathleen Driver
7:00 p.m. Saturday Leobardo Guzman Familia
7:00 a.m. Sunday Harrison Family
9:00 a.m. Sunday Nacke Family
11:00 a.m. Sunday Himes Family
1:00 p.m. Sunday Trinidad Familia
7:00 p.m. Sunday Dan Maher & Family
We hope you continue to have dinner as a family
throughout the coming year.

Calendar Raffle Winners

The weekly January 12, 2009
$50.00 winner: Muriel Hohl

The January 19, 2008
$50.00 winner is Ed & Susan Young

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mandatory Eucharistic Minister Meeting/Class

All Eucharistic Ministers
attend class on
Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 7PM
Thursday, Jan. 22 at 7PM
in the Church


If you or someone you know is hurting from an abortion, please consider experiencing the healing Love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat sponsored by Project Rachel, Diocese of Yakima. 

Participation is strictly confidential. 

For more information call: Irene (509-965-7110) or Nancy (509- 554-9415).

Roman Catholic Challenge in its 22nd year!

The following youth are preparing to compete at the annual RC Challenge in Beaverton, OR on January 30 and 31: 
Laura and Davie Sherwood, Sydney and Samuel Disselkamp, Wynona Vaz, Madelyn Noble, Krista O’Neill, Evan Smith, Danielle Perkins, Nicholas Becker, and JamesGuzek. 

Please hold them up in your prayers for safe travel and gratitude to God for the knowledge they have gained.

St. Joseph’s Cardinal’s Cuties Red Hatter Luncheon

Thurs, Jan. 22nd @ 1 PM  
Carmine’s Family Style Italian Dining - 
525 W. 1st Ave.
RSVP (important) by Jan. 21st
— Queen Bee Ricki @ 582-2072

Catholic Singles & SOLOS (all singles over age 35)

Please join us for the last SUNDAY of the month breakfast on Jan 25th — meet 9:30 am at Henry’s Restaurant in West Richland (new location is 4806 W.Van Giesen Rd). 

Call Jack at 946-8360 for reservation count. 

Newcomers always welcome!

Call to Stewardship:

The parish needs someone to help care for the altar linens one week every month.  If you would like to help or have questions about this ministry to the church please call Sr. Robert Joseph at 586-3958 in the afternoons.

Wine Donations

I am still collecting bottles of wine for the auction during our Art & Wine event.  When you are out shopping, pick up an extra bottle.   Just drop it by the parish office any time.  

Thanks for the six bottles one parishioner brought me this week; it helped my total but please keep them coming, we are getting very close to the event!

The Women of St. Joseph General Meeting

The Women of St. Joseph
General Meeting
Friday, January 23rd 9:30AM
basement of the Chapel.
Babysitting will be provided.
All Women of the Parish are invited to

School News

Albertsons Shoppers: In order for our supporters contributions to continue after March 1, 2009, all cards MUST relink.   Albertsons asks you to relink your cards at WWW.ALBERTSONSCP.COM.  
The process only takes three simple steps. 
  1.  Log on to the website 
  2.  Enter your Preferred Card number
  3.  Enter the schools Community Partners ID #49000108022. 
That's all there is to it!

Healing Mission

A Healing Mission with Paul Rymniak will be conducted on February 9th, 10th and 11th at our church.  
All 3 evenings will begin at 7PM.

Paul is one of the most powerful healing preachers in the country and well sought after. Here is a note from Paul: As an introduction to you, I want youto be aware that I am NOT a Priest. I am NOT a Deacon, I am NOT even a Eucharistic Minister…I just want you to understand that I am just a common, ordinary person much like yourself…I have NO gifts…I have NO special powers…I am NOT CHOSEN…and I have no SPECIAL PIPELINE, TO GOD, that gets my prayers there faster than yours, and I even get into heated discussion with charismatic people and even clergy, who tell me I shouldn’t say things like that.  But, you see, I don’t feel these things, because if you knew me when I was a younger man, between 25 and35, you would understand, because my life was so BAD, I most ashamedly admit, to all of you, that I broke every commandment….all TEN of them.  I feel that I am a walking testimony to the fact that, NOT only is there a Jesus that FORGIVES, but if you take this one step further into the beauty of my Catholic Faith, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, if you go into the Confessional with a REPENTANT heart…and that’s the secret…as soon as the priest says, “I absolve you of your sins…” not only does Jesus forgive…but He FORGETS what you’ve done, and if he didn’t do that, I couldn’t do, what it is that I do.  

Now, I could talk to you for hours about the things thatI see Jesus do in the Healing services that I conduct..the eyesights coming back, hearing restored, people getting up out of wheelchairs, people writing me months later telling me that after our prayers together, their Cancers, or a host of other diseases, have been cured, and the list goes on, and on and on, but that is NOT the only Healing that can be obtained, from Christ.  

Some of you, right now, might be burdened with amultitude of other things.  Are you about to lose your HOUSE or CAR…are you having FINANCIAL difficulties….Is your MARRIAGE in trouble…have you experienced loss death or divorce…do your KIDS not go to church…are your grandchildren not baptised…or is life just dealing you CRUEL blows, and maybe so bad that you cry yourself to sleep at night?  These are the things that Jesus wants to help you with, also.  

Healing can come on Four main levels PYHSICAL….MENTAL…EMOTIONAL….and the most important of all….SPIRITUAL.  Which area are you seeking help in?  

I guess, I am SIMPLY trying to convey, to you, that this is between you and Our Lord.  I want you to experience JESUS in all ways.  I DO NOT want you to remember Paul Rymniak, the messenger.  I want you to remember the messages that you find with Christ.  It is NOT important who tells you about Jesus, it only matter that you get to know HIM on a personal level, and that is all I try to accomplish in my MINISTRY.  

Parish Mission at Holy Spirit Parish

If you missed Brendan Case when he was here at our parish this summer or if you want to feel his message again here is your chance. . . .
Parish Mission at Holy Spirit Parish
“The Glory of the Lord Rises on You!”
January 23 - 29, 2009
Brendan Case, nationally known Catholic Lay-Missionary who has presented throughout the US and the Diocese of Yakima will be conducting this Mission Week.  Brendan, a dynamic, insightful bible teacher who moves in the prophetic and healing,  has seen 1000’s of NewTestament-like outpourings of the Holy Spirit ranging from addicts instantly set free to barren woman conceiving to paraplegics walking. 
Morning Mission:
School of the Spiritual Life
8:30 - 10:00AM
Evening Mission:
Worship, Message, & Prayer for Healing
7:00 - 9:00PM
Special Invitation: Saturday, January 24
Young Adults Pizza & Prayer
4:00 to 6:00 PM

Last Year’s Palms

We are collecting palm from last year to burn for Ashes for Ash Wednesday. If you have any please drop them by the parish office or put them in the brown box outside if it is after business hours.

St. Josephs Art & Wine

Art & Wine goes Hollywood for 2009 with the Golden Age of Hollywood as our theme.  Art & Wine is a major school fundraiser that features some of the areas finest artists, wineries, microbrews, restaurants, live music, and live and silent auctions.  
Posters are now available, in the school and church office, to hang up in your businesses and around town. Please help us advertise this event!
Event Location: St. Joseph’s Dillon Hall.
When: February 7, 2009 6 – 10 pm.
Price: $50 per person.
Table pricing is also available.
For more information contact Nancy Milliken at 585-9371.

January Birthdays

The Women of St. Joe’s invite ALL parishioners to celebrate JanuaryBirthdays with a Birthday Mass at 8:30AM onWednesday, January 21, in the Chapel followed by Cake in the Holy Grounds Cafe.

Stewardship Message

Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, What are you looking for? - John 1:38  What are you looking for? That is a question Jesus asks each of us.  It has been said there is a God shaped hole in every soul that only God can fill. Instead of spending time with God, though, we fill our days working for things that do not satisfy us but that society says we need to impress one another.


All boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the 2009 K of C Free Throw Championship to be held on January 25th in the PAC from 12:30 to 2:00. Participants are required to provide proof of age and an entry form signed by a parent. Forms will be available at the door. 
For more information contact John Callan at 547-0938