Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hats Off to our Youth Group

Members, Shane and Lexi Tiffany, Kaitlin Barnes, Alex Pickel, Emma Bayuk, Isabella and Cassandra Klein, and Anne Marie and John Driver were part of a group that picked over 200 lbs of cherries donated from the St. Hilaire Farm and given to seniors in two housing complexes in downtown Kennewick. The seniors were thrilled with the cherries and it was a great way for our kids to give back the the community!

Stewardship in Action

Stewardship Message

He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” - Mark 6:8

How different we are from the Apostles who took nothing when they ventured out to serve God?

Today, we make our journey through life more difficult because of all the material baggage that we drag along. Yet, the more we can let go of, the freer we are to serve God with love and joy.

This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute

We salute our Perpetual Adoration Chapel Adorers for being so faithful during the year -- especially during the summer vacation months. We know the added graces our parish receives from these prayers help make our parish the wonderful parish it is.

Everyday-Everyway Stewards

Let us pray that we may learn from the Apostles to give up our strong attachment to material possessions.

Our Children’s Stewardship

Use some of these questions at dinner time to help get the conversation headed in the right direction.
  • Do all families live as we do?
  • Why do we have more than we really need?
  • What can we do about the inequity in the world?

Parish Financial Stewardship Summary

Collection for July 5, 2009
  • 17,084.41 (Needed to make budget ($16,500)
  • 8.35
School Endowment
  • 548.00
Building Fund Report
5th Campaign Pledges
  • $605,937.17
Building Fund Weekly Collection:
  • 4,745.67
Weekly Collections:
  • 1,659,245.27
Silver Cans
  • 1,643.55
Brown Roofed Churches
  • 2,071.35
  • 18,881.96
  • 8,681.24
  • 112,754.75
  • 74,588.85
Credit Card Fees
  • <8,474.04>
Total Collected
  • 1,920,554.94


The Working Ultreya meeting will be July 18, 2009, in E Wenatchee at Holy Apostles Church, 10AM to 2PM with a potluck lunch.

Team building is going on for the upcoming Cursillos in E. Wenatchee, WA, October 1-4, for the Men and October 8-11, for the Women.

If you need an application for your candidates you can get them from our Cursillo website: .

Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers

3rd Sunday of July -- July 19

5:30 PM
  • Lectors:
  • Alter Servers: Audrey Hermann,  Laurel Hermann, Cameron Jones, Chloe Tanega 
  • Eucharistic Ministers: B Apa, S Apa, M Swita, K & P Keller, V Kenning, R Rutherford
7:00 AM
  • Lectors: Chris Schaeffer
  • Alter Servers: James Guzek, Lucas Moody, Mary Moody 
  • Eucharistic Ministers: M Moody, T Moran, C Schaeffer, K Schaeffer, M Whitehead
9:00 AM
  • Lectors: 
  • Alter Servers: Mark Driver, Matthew Driver, Alec Hobbs, John Hylden, Chris Yakawich 
  • Eucharistic Ministers: G Bauer, S Gladstone, S Hayward, C Mertens, P Silvernail, J & K Swart, 
11:00 AM
  • Lectors: Agnes Barnett
  • Alter Servers: Sydney Kavis, Brandon Maher, James Maher
  • Eucharistic Ministers:  J or M Callan, B Krebs, J Slavens, D Porten, J Porten 
7:00 PM
  • Lectors: Dick McAloon, 
  • Alter Servers: Lauryn Green, Elida Jennings, Jesse Sandbeck, Kate Sheldon
  • Eucharistic Ministers: A Tanega, T Bettendorf, R Carlos, Y Carlos, M Dulaney

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Eucharistic Adoration

Jesus is waiting. Could you please help with adoration during these times?
  • Tuesday 11AM; 10PM;
  • Wednesday 3PM;
  • Thursday Midnight; 4AM; 6PM;
  • Friday 6AM; 9AM; 9PM;
  • Saturday 9AM; 10PM;
Bold hours = no adorers.
Call Carol, 582-5011 to volunteer.

We are in need of people to help cover some hours of adoration over the summer while our regular adorers are on vacation. You may enter our adoration chapel through the entrance by the women’s restroom, or from outside, on the north side of the church. Our substitute needed sheet, in the chapel lists the days and times needed, please place your name and phone number on the days you can come.

Time spent with Our Lord, is truly, time well spent, as you come to enjoy the peace that only Christ can give.

Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers

2nd Sunday of July -- July 12

5:30 PM
  • Lectors: Mark Loosveldt
  • Alter Servers: Francine Lahoz, Franco Lahoz, Anna & Connor Rodriguez
  • Eucharistic Ministers: A Callahan, P Clovsky, V Parks, W Parks, M Smith, B Weber, C Wheeler,
7:00 AM
  • Lectors: Tom Moak
  • Alter Servers: Joseph DeSmet, Myles DeSmet, Joseph Salazar
  • Eucharistic Ministers: P Braun, N Deleon, T Edwards, J Guzek, S Jones
9:00 AM
  • Lectors: Ed McLaughlin
  • Alter Servers: Anthony Ireland, Collin Ireland, Kenny Ireland, Jacy Thomas, Chris Yadawich
  • Eucharistic Ministers: C Adams, J Gallegos, S Gladstone, B Guerrero, J McShane, P Mewes, T Ogden
11:00 AM
  • Lectors: Le Fulfs
  • Alter Servers: Wyatt Beaton, Erika Guevera, Alani Sanford, Kiana Sanford, Madalyn Bettendorf
  • Eucharistic Ministers: A Carlson, S McGlone, C Sacco, B Schwehr, G Schwehr, A Trejo
7:00 PM
  • Lectors: Julie Brown
  • Alter Servers: Lauryn Green, Dylan Phillips, Emily Russell, Austin Brown, Kelly Brown
  • Eucharistic Ministers: Paul Fischer, B Fulwyler

Tri-Cities Prep 15th Annual Golf Tournament

Friday July 17, 2009
Canyon Lakes Golf Course
Registration is from 11:00AM - 1:00PM.
The tournament will kick-off with a 1:00PM shotgun start.

Proceeds will be directed toward the school’s scholarship programs and operating expenses.

We invite everyone to participate in a day of fun while supporting our children’s future.
More info, 546-2465

WEBSITES dedicated to theYear of Priests

# 1: Congregation for Clergy site:
# 2: WorldPriest:
# 3: Televised Mass by WorldPriest:
# 4: England and Wales Year for Priests portal:
# 5: Catholic University of America site:


July 20-July 23
Monday-Thursday (9:00-11:45AM)
Come join us at St. Joseph’s for a fun filled week of singing, games, and instruments for children entering 2nd-6th grades.

This year our theme is The Animal Kingdom.
Cost is only $10, scholarships available.

More info: Susan Miller (Tuesday - Friday 586-3820)

Inform us of your need

If you are going into the hospital, or are in the hospital or are homebound and want Communion brought to your home please call the parish office. With the new privacy laws in effect it is very hard to get this information unless we are informed by you. We want to be as supportive of our members as we are able to be.

Call 586-3820 or email if it is easier.
Rejection at the Pearly Gate, too:
A cab driver reaches the Pearly Gates and announces his presence to St. Peter, who looks him up in his Big Book. Upon reading the entry for the cabby, St. Peter invites him to grab a silk robe and a golden staff and to proceed into Heaven. A preacher is next in line behind the cabby and has been watching these proceedings with interest. He announces himself to St. Peter. Upon scanning the preacher’s entry in the Big Book, St. Peter furrows his brow and says, “Okay, we’ll let you in, but take that cotton robe and wooden staff.” The preacher is astonished and replies, “But I am a man of the cloth. You gave that cab driver a gold staff and a silk robe. Surely, I rate higher than a cabby.” St. Peter responded matter-of-factly: “Here we are interested in results. When you preached, people slept. When the cabby drove his taxi, people prayed.”

Stewardship Message

As the Lord spoke to me, the spirit entered me and set me on my feet, and I heard the one who was speaking say to me, ‘Son of man, I am sending you…’” - Ezekiel 2:2-3

God sends each of us to do some special work for Him. And, He gives us all the talents that we need to do that work. However, do we listen to God when He calls? Do we get up on our feet and give our time to do the work God asks of us? This is the basis for good stewardship.

This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute

We salute everyone who helped with Sr. Robert Joseph’s Garden Party. A wonderful time was had by all!

Everyday-Everyway Stewards

Let us pray that, in a spirit of service and sacrifice, we may generously use our time, talent and treasure to do the work which God has placed us here on earth to do.

Our Children’s Stewardship

Use some of these questions at dinner time to help get the conversation headed in the right direction.
  • How does giving up something help us draw closer to God?
  • How does giving up become gaining?
  • Jesus often ate with people. What do suppose they talked about when they ate together?

Financial Stewardship

Collection for June 28, 2009

  • 13,480.13
    (Needed to make budget ($16,500)
  • Children’s: 6.00
  • School Endowment 190.50
Building Fund Report
  • 5th Campaign Pledges $587,437.17
  • Building Fund Weekly Collection: 4,742.83