Monday, February 16, 2009

Lent Calendar

Click here for the calendar

Fish Frys

Knights of Columbus Fish Frys

March 6, 20, and April 3
Dillon Hall
5 - 7PM

April 3rd
Clergy Appreciation Night

Host an exchange student

If anyone is interested in hosting an exchange student, please call Elena Brown at 783-7226. I am looking for families who are interested in the world and in helping an  learn more about America.  

Host families are asked to provide the student with meals, a warm supportive environment, and a place to sleep and study (can share a room with same sex student).


The March Ultreya will be on March 2, 2009 at Christ the King, Richland.

Rosary at 7PM in the Chapel and Ultreya at 7:30PM in the multipurpose room. 

Come and join in and renew old friendships.

Fundraiser Results

Spanish Youth

Revenue    $ 101.67
Expenses   $ Donated
          Net   $101.67

The funds will go for material for youth group

GROUPS: Please remember to get your results to parish office

Financial Peace University

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University
13-week course begins February 23 from 6:30 - 8:30PM in Dillon Hall
Questions or to preregister: Contact Patrick Valdez, 547-2860 or email

Youth News

Bluewood Ski Trip
    Registration Deadline: Feb. 18
Ski Trip: Sat. Feb. 28

High School: Lord of the Rings/Pizza
Feb. 18th 5PM Youth Room

Middle School Meeting:
Feb. 22 5:30PM Youth Room

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spaghetti Dinner

The Knights of Columbus, Richland 4th Degree Assembly, is sponsoring a “Spaghetti Dinner” on February 28 at the Knights of Columbus Hall. 
Social begins at 5:30PM and dinner is from 6:30 to 9:00PM.  

Cost is: Adults $8, Children(11 and under) $3. 

For ticket information, please contact Tim Fontain 420-4420 or Martin Prisc 628-1333

Cardinal’s Cuties Lunch

The St. Joseph’s Cardinal’s Cuties red hatter group will be gathering for lunch on Thursday, February 26th @ 1 at 
Applebee’s Restaurant 
606 N. Columbia Center Blvd. 

Have questions? 

Please call Queen Bee Ricki @ 582-2072.

Mass for our school children

Bishop Sevilla, will be celebrating Mass at 9:30AM on Friday, Feb. 20th in the Church for our School Children.

Our Parish Community is invited to attend the Mass.

Spring Yard Sale -- March 6 & 7

We need your extra clean clothes, housewares, furniture and working appliances, used sporting goods, knickknacks, books, posters, etc. 


There is a storage bin for you to drop off your items thoughout the week.  Mondays between 9AM and NOON, YOU CAN BRING THEM TO THE STORAGE BUILDING BY THE PAC.

There will be women there to receive the items.


Parish Office Closed

The Parish Office is closed Monday, February 16th for Presidents’ Day

Ash Wednesday Masses

6:30, 8:30, 9:30AM
12:05, 4:15, 6:00PM

Calendar Raffle Winners

$50.00 winner: Kohan Family

40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life as a Lenten Offering to Christ

First of all, thanks to all those who participated in the fall campaign for 40 Days for Life.  Overall, more than a thousand babies were saved from abortion!  Each person is priceless to God.  As we unite in the present campaign during Lent, (February 25 to April 5) more children will be spared. We are counting on all you good and faithful people for prayers, fasting, and being a witness for life at the actual site where abortions are performed. 40Days for Life can be a wonderful opportunity for family bonding.  Scheduled during Lent, it creates a special time for families to enter into a deep commitment to defend life.  To learn how you can participated, please contact any one of the following people: 
Jennifer Darner 946-9408, 
Debbie Lord 374-1849,
Ramona Vallee 582-8621, 
Winnie Zeamer 943-9991, 
Dave Ballard 627-7101, or 
Denise Fulwyler 783-8685. 

Visit our webpage for more information and updates:  

Friday, February 6, 2009

Catholic Daughters

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is a women’s branch of the Knights of Columbus.  They meet every SECOND SATURDAY of the month in the basement of the chapel after the 8:30AM Mass.

Their next meeting will be February 14 (St. Valentine’s day).  Please come and enjoy great conversation, while working together with other women to better our church, homes and community and have fun doing it, plus participate in raffles, enjoy great food and drinks.  This February’s meeting is guaranteed to be fun and lots of laughs for everyone.

Please, if you’re new to our church, this is a great way to meet other women and take a break from the normal everyday Saturday morning.


Remember that each Thursday is a day of prayer for our Diocesan Cursillo Community and for all the 400 plus Cursillos that are going on over each weekend around the WORLD. 

Please join us in praying for all these teams and Candidates.

Wine and Chocolate Social

Women of St. Joseph 3rd annual Wine and Chocolate Social.

February 19th at 7PM in Dillon Hall. 

Come and enjoy yourself with other Women of the Parish while sipping wine and eating delicous chocolate dishes. 

Don’t miss the fun!

Spring Yard Sale -- March 6 & 7

We need your extra clean clothes, housewares, furniture and working appliances, used sporting goods, knickknacks, books, posters, etc.

THE PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH’S YARDSALE NEEDS YOUR DONATIONS. There is a storage bin for you to drop off your items thoughout the week.  Mondays between 9AM and NOON, YOU CAN BRING THEM TO THE STORAGE BUILDING BY THE PAC. 
There will be women there to receive the items.Thanks!

School Raffle Calendar Winners

$50.00 winner: Pam Peterson

Northwest Catholic Men's Conference

The Talent of Hailey Peterson

This Sunday morning at the 7:00 AM Mass we will enjoy hearing the talent of Hailey Peterson, daughter of George and Pam Peterson.   She will be playing the piano—”Canon in D” and “Ave Maria”.

School News

The SJS Winter Band, Choir, and 5th Grade Recorder concert is Thursday, February 12, 2009, at 7:00PM in Dillon Hall. 

Parents, family, and friends are invited to attend.

Thank you all for sending in your Campbell’s Labels! For the months of November, December and January we have turned in 2084 pts.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The January Scriptures resonate with God’s call to missionand service to others. Our Catechumens and Candidates are also experiencing that same call.  As they continue on their journey toward the Easter Initiation Sacraments, please pray for them so the excitement in their hearts will help them respond to their special call to serve others. If your parish organization would like to discuss its apostolic mission with the newly initiated after Easter, please contact Pete Braun, 783-3556.

Creighton Model

Dr. Elma DeLeon, MD, OBGYN, is now joining ShiraWise in teaching the Creighton Model of Natural Family Planning here in the Tri-Cities! Their next informational class will be on February 9th at 7pm at Holy Spirit Parish in Kennewick in the parish community center.  Please RSVP to Shira Wise at 735-5380 or so they will have enough materials for everyone in attendance. 
Come and see what God has in store for your marriage and your family!

Gospel of St. Mark

A prominent theme in the Gospel of St. Mark is the divine authority of Jesus of Nazareth. While Moses was a prophet who spoke from a personal experience of God, he promised a great prophet who would be Jesus himself.  He is the one empowered by his Father to be the Messiah; whose teaching reached into people’s hearts and caused them to turn toward God.  Even“unclean spirits” responded to him.  Stewards allow the teachings of Jesus Christ to touch them and transform their lives. 
Do we recognize the authority of Jesus to touch us each day? 
Do we give Christ the opportunity to transform us?

Private Catholic High School Principal

Tri Cities Prep High School (TCP) offers achallenging career opportunity in a rapidly expanding private Catholic school located in Pasco, WA. This position reports directly to the TCP President and will be totally responsible for the school’s faculty, academic operations, including school extracurricular programs and athletics, and campus ministry.
Tri Cities Prep is in its 10th year and is a privately owned and operated Catholic High School aimed at developing its 135 young men and women within the framework of the Ignatian teaching principles and philosophy.  The school has an exemplary record of college placement, running over 95% for graduating seniors.  All curriculum programs, extracurricular activities, athletics and campus ministry aredeveloped to enhance the formation of students into well rounded college bound men and women.

Qualified applicants must be able to demonstrate experience in administration and leadership in secondary education, in either a public or private school environment.  They should possess a Master’s Degree in Education and a Washington State Principal’s Certificate.  Previou experience as Principal or Vice Principal at the secondary education level is preferred.  Experience in  secondary curriculum development, knowledge of school structure and scheduling, plus strong organizational and communication skills needed. Familiarization with the Catholic School network is a preference but not required. Understanding of the Ignatian teaching principles and philosophy is desired.

A competitive (Catholic School comparable rates) compensation and benefit’s package will be offered depending upon the candidates experience and qualifications.  No relocation package will be provided. 

To apply, send your resume and a detailed letter of interest, with 3 professional references to Search Committee, Tri Cities Prep School, 9612 St.Thomas Drive, P.O.Box 4744, Pasco, WA. 99301

Deadline February 25th