Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Going Away Receptions

Going Away Receptions for Fr. Jaime after every Mass the weekend of May 30/31
We are sorry to see him go but are proud he has been asked to be Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Grandview.  We know he will do a great job!

Calendar Raffle Winner

$50.00 winner: Kohan Family

Applications for Summer Day Camp Employment

St. Joseph Children’s Center is accepting applications for Summer Day Camp Employment. Must be at least 16 with experience with young children. Hours vary, 20-25 weekly. Call Wendy, 586-1428

68th year of Ordination

Come Celebrate with Msgr. Desmond Dillon the Anniversary of his 68th year of Ordination. 
Sunday, May 24th 11AM Mass at St. Joseph Church
Followed by Potluck and Program in Dillon Hall
The Knights of Columbus will provide Chicken, Cake and beverages. If your last name begins A to L please bring a main dish and M to Z bring a dessert or salad to serve 10.

Would you like to study scripture?

A Small Faith Group Is beginning in June
It will meet twice monthly 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month in the school library from 7 to 8:30PM.
This will be a year round prayer group. Join us! Informational meeting June 4th.
We will be studying David and the Psalms. Meet the family of David! Begins with the Book of Ruth,
and continues through 1 and 2 Samuel and The Book of Psalms.

Workbook costs $20.00
You may order from

Emmaus Road Publishing
ISBN l-93l018-375
Catholic Bible and Catechism needed.
Video lectures included by Father Joseph Ponessa, S.S.D. and Laurie Watson Manhardt, Ph.D.
Facilitated by Vicki Scheenstra,737-0647
Our first meeting will be June 4th. Come and See!


Leonard S. Komendera, Cristina Trammel, Jack McCleary, Rosalie Genoni, Logan Bussman, Anne Harrison, Sara Huerta and baby, Pearl O’Dell, Rosita Salsbury, Mariette Munro, Dennis Janikowski, Bob Baker,
Andy Kopriva, Jacqueline Gabino, Sandra Barrickman, Merle Larkin, David Wilson, Donald Gilman, Judi Davis, Cathy Johnson, Opal Harger, Jerome Bruner, James and Alice Lambert, Robert Glennen, Patricia Thomas, Joe Ginter, Bev Munro, Jadwiga Mosio, Jim O’Donnell, Pauline McAloon, Don Kenning, Colin Ward, Gertrude Dunham, Richard Beebe, Msgr. Martin Skehan, Phyllis Crnkovich, Emil Zlatich, Joe Guajardo, Paula Hansen, Carol Truitt, Deacon Al Rizzo, Bernadette Kienzle, Carl Anderson, Tristan Hansen,
Clement Knoll, Jim McConnell, Edyth Hampton, Elaine Himes, Tom Wendt, all parishioners experiencing health problems, AND FOR THE DECEASED especially Ray Koch, brother -in-law of Ben Schwehr, and those who died recently.

Please Pray For Our Military Men and Women

Eucharistic Adoration

Jesus is waiting. Could you please help with adoration during these times?

Sunday 11AM; 4PM;
Monday 5PM;
Tuesday 10PM;
Wednesday 2AM; 11PM;
Thursday 4AM; 6PM;
Friday 6AM; 9PM;
Bold hours = no adorers.

Call Carol, 582-5011 to volunteer.
The Adoration Chapel is open to all. Please feel free to stop and visit Jesus any time you would like.


May 17- Acts of the Apostles 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Psalm 98:1, 2-3, 3-4; 1 John 4:7-10; John 15:9-17
May 18- Acts of the Apostles 16:11-15; Psalm 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a & 9b; John 15:26 – 16:4a
May 19- Acts of the Apostles 16:22-34; Psalm 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8; John 16:5-11
May 20- Acts of the Apostles 17:15, 22 – 18:1; Psalm 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14; John 16:12-15
May 21- Acts of the Apostles 18:1-8; Psalm 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; John 16:16-20
May 22- Acts of the Apostles 18:9-18; Psalm 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; John 16:20-23
May 23- Acts of the Apostles 18:23-28; Psalm 47:2-3, 8- 9, 10; John 16:23b-28
May 24- Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11; Psalm 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; Ephesians 1:17-23; Mark 16:15-20

“Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.”
St. Jerome’s Prologue to the “Commentary on Isaiah”

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hospital Equipment Lend Program

Knights of Columbus' Hospital Equipment Lend Program (HELP) requests new and used wheelchairs be donated for use by needy people.
Please contact Joe Gallegos, 783-7644 or John Walker, 783-4307 to donate or if you need hospital equipment.


We need your extra clean clothes, housewares, furniture and working appliances, used sporting goods, knickknacks, books, posters, etc. THE PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH'S YARD SALE NEEDS YOUR DONATIONS. There is a storage bin for you to drop off your items thoughout the week. Mondays between 9AM and NOON, YOU CAN BRING THEM TO THE STORAGE BUILDING BY THE PAC.

There will be women there to receive the items.



  1. A wonderful web site from Saint Anthony Messenger
  2. The code of canon law
  3. Listen and watch Fr. Tom:
  4. Teach children how to pray:


This story is from close to home and I thought it really proves the power of prayer.

A handful of years ago, Jarryd Hasfurther was diagnosed with Wegener's Granulomatosis, (Wegener's granulomatosis is an uncommon disease in which the blood vessels are inflamed (vasculitis). This inflammation damages important organs of the body by limiting blood flow to those organs and destroying nonnal tissue) and had to have (and has since) many hospital visits to specialists from coast to coast. St. Frances Cabrini Parish, Benton City made him a prayer bead chain - each person picked a bead, said a prayer and strung it on the string. Ann Marie, his mom, said it was a good, good thing, and he carried it - about 100 beads - to all his appointments.  

So, this year, Jarryd is graduating high school, and is a very active person. THE power of prayer. 

New Assignments

The Pastoral Office of the Diocese of Yakima recently announced Priest new assignments.
Fr. Jaime Chacon has been asked to become pastor at Blessed Sacrament Church in Grandview and Fr. Juan M. Godina from St. Joseph Parish in Wenatchee will be coming to St. Joseph, Kennewick to take his place.
These changes will take place in June. We will announce definite dates as they are set. Plans are being made for going away and welcoming receptions.
Details will be in later bulletins.

School News

St. Joseph's Box Top News!
We have earned $570 cash for our school for the 2008/2009 school y'ear. Please keep collecting and sending those box tops in. You can turn them in at the parish or the school office. Thank

Remember to buy scrip after Mass, at the parish or school offices, or at Holy Grounds and support our school.

If you have not returned your student's registration forms for the 2009-2010 school year, please do so asap. If you have questions regarding next years registration, feel free to contact the school office at 586-0481.

Music Announcements

St. Joseph's Music Camp For Children will be held July 20-23rd, 9-11:45. Singing, fun, games, instruments. This is for children entering 2nd - 6th grades. Cost: $10, scholarships available
Call Susan Miller, (Tuesday - Friday) 586-3820, for more information.

Do you know where your life is going?

 Attention all Catholic young men ages 14--21.
Do you know where your life is going? The Lord Jesus has a great plan for you! You are invited to attend the Second Annual Quo Vadis Days Camp to spend time with other young men your age looking at the Lord's call in your life while having fun.  QVD will be held in Deer Lake (near Spokane) on June 21-24.  QVD is sponsored by the Vocations Office of Spokane and Yakima. For more information or to register, please contact Yakima seminarian Peter Berger at 509-961-7436 or .

EWTN Coverage of Pope Benedict

EWTN' Coverage of Pope Benedict'sVisit to the Holy Land EWTN brings you LIVE Coverage of Pope Benedict XVI's Apostolic visit to the Holy Land May 8-15, 2009
Charter Cable channel 165,
DISH Network 261,
Sky Angel IPTV 143
Visit for the latest updates & Schedules or call 205-271-2989

St. Joe Successes

Elsa Schmitz, daughter of Dave & Nancy, (SJS 2006), has been selected by the People to People Student Ambassador Program to join their student delegation and travel to Australia this July. Acceptance into the program is based on her demonstration of leadership, citizenship, and willingness to venture into the world in the name of peace, friendship and understanding.

The students will participate in an educational exploration program founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The students will learn about the world through hands-on interaction with local government officials as well as serve a greater purpose through community service projects designed to help the environment.

Elsa's acceptance into the program is due in part to her exceptional education and commitment to community service she gained at St. Joseph School.

The family asks the people of St. Joseph to keep Elsa and the delegation in their prayers for a safe and enjoyable trip.

Elsa, we hope you have a great time!

Religious Education

Religious Ed registration for 2009-2010 will begin the first of August. Spanish Registration takes place after the Spanish Masses only. English Registrations will be available in the foyer of the church and in the parish office.
Classes resume in September.

Coming Events in the Parish

 Mark Your Calendars
Parish Mission   Week of June 20th
St. Joe’s Family Festival Picnic   June 27
St. Joe’s Night at the Ball Park   July 9
Children’s Music Camp    July 20- 23

Congratulations to our Knights of Columbus, “Right to Life” poster winners

Grades 1st – 2nd: Grace Thomas, Frances Ello, Andrea Rico,
Grades 3rd – 4th: Lauren Fong, Maddie Brandner, Nick Ryther,
Grade 5: Lauren Green, Mary Seiner, Kenison Maher.

Calendar Raffle Winners

$50.00 winner: Guadalupe Gomez

Parish Mission Week of June 20th

Rev. William McCarthy is the founder of My Father’s House Spiritual Retreat Center, Moodus, CT. He is a nationally known retreat director and published author of well-known Catholic books on topics relating to the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Mother and prayer.

People travel from all over the US to pray with Fr. McCarthy

**ALTAR SERVERS (Current and new)**

 If you have not returned your Altar Server Information Form please do so immediately. You may drop it off at the parish office or place it in the mail. You must be registered in order to attend the training session which will be held in the new church on May 17 at 3:00pm. All new and current altar servers are required to attend this training session.
If you need a form or have questions please call either John Hanson at 586-2527 or Don Klippstein at 783-8057 .


Cristina Trammel, Jack McCleary, Rosalie Genoni, Logan Bussman, Anne Harrison, Sara Huerta and baby, Pearl O’Dell, Rosita Salsbury, Mariette Munro, Dennis Janikowski, Bob Baker, Andy Kopriva, Jacqueline Gabino, Sandra Barrickman, Merle Larkin, David Wilson, Donald Gilman, Judi Davis, Cathy Johnson, Opal Harger, Jerome Bruner, James and Alice Lambert, Robert Glennen, Patricia Thomas, Joe Ginter, Bev Munro, Jadwiga Mosio, Jim O’Donnell, Pauline McAloon, Don Kenning, Colin Ward, Gertrude Dunham, Richard Beebe, Msgr. Martin Skehan, Phyllis Crnkovich, Emil Zlatich, Joe Guajardo, Paula Hansen, Carol Truitt, Deacon Al Rizzo, Bernadette Kienzle, Carl Anderson, Tristan Hansen, Clement Knoll, Jim McConnell, Edyth Hampton, Elaine Himes, Tom Wendt, all parishioners experiencing health problems, AND FOR THE DECEASED especially Dory Eleazar, mother Menchie Cayetano, those who died recently.


Please Pray For Our Military Men and Women


May 10- Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31; Psalm 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8
May 11- Acts of the Apostles 14:5-18; Psalm 115:1-2, 3-4, 15-16; John 14:21-26
May 12- Acts of the Apostles 14:19-28; Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13ab, 21; John 14:27-31a
May 13- Acts of the Apostles 15:1-6; Psalm 122:1-2, 3- 4ab, 4cd-5; John 15:1-8
May 14- Acts of the Apostles 1:15-17, 20-26; Psalm 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; John 15:9-17
May 15- Acts of the Apostles 15:22-31; Psalm 57:8-9, 10 & 12; John 15:12-17
May 16- Acts of the Apostles 16:1-10; Psalm 100:1b-2, 3, 5; John 15:18-21
May 17- Acts of the Apostles 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Psalm 98:1, 2-3, 3-4; 1 John 4:7-10; John 15:9-17

“Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” St. Jerome’s Prologue to the “Commentary on Isaiah”:

May Birthdays

The Women of St. Joe’s invite ALL parishioners to celebrate May Birthdays with a Birthday Mass at 8:30AM on Wednesday, May 20, in the Chapel followed by Cake in the Holy Grounds Cafe.


Stewardship Message

“Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” - Acts: 9:31

How do we love in deed and truth? The answer is through stewardship – giving some of our time to spend with Our Lord in prayer, giving some of our talents to do ministry in the parish, giving some of our financial blessings to support the work of the Church.

This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute

We salute our welcoming committee for working to invite and make our new members feel at home.

Everyday-Everyway Stewards

Let us learn to surrender our own wants and desires to God, trusting that God will always give us all that we need.

Our Children’s Stewardship

Use some of these questions at dinner time to help get the conversation headed in the right direction.
  • What is your favorite blessing?
  • Is your list of blessings different from or the same as the others in your family?
  • Which of the blessings cost money and which have no relationship with money?
  • Are you surprised by how God blesses you?

Parish Financial Stewardship Summary

Collection for May 3, 2009
  • 19,403.36 (Needed to make budget ($16,500)
  • 11.57
  • 20.00
School Endowment 
  • 441.00

Building Fund Report

4th Campaign Pledged 
  • $1,491,308.80
Building Fund Weekly Collection: 
  • $4960.55