Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stewardship Message

“But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” - John 16:13

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know the truth.
So why not ask the Holy Spirit the truth about your stewardship?
Are you sharing your time and talent with God and others?
Do you give a fair amount of your treasure to do the work of the Lord?
Can you hear the Spirit’s answer to those questions in your heart now?
What more is He calling you to do?

This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute

We salute all those serving in our armed forces, and for their families and loved ones as well as those who have died for our country.

Everyday-Everyway Stewards

Let us pray that we may look truthfully at the ways we share our time, talent and treasure and, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, strive to live as better stewards of all God’s gifts.

Our Children’s Stewardship

One goal in stewardship education is to teach children that by sharing their gifts they have the power to make a difference now. If they get into the habit of waiting until a better time to be generous or share their talents, they could easily spend their whole lives waiting to be stewards. Instead, we want to encourage them to get into the stewardship habit while they are young. If they do that, it is a habit they will have their whole lives. Share this story of 57¢ to help children see that they do have the power to do tremendous work, even if their gifts seem very small.

Back in the1880’s in the city of Philadelphia, there lived a little girl named Hattie May Wiatt. Hattie was a member of the Baptist Temple, which was growing very quickly at that time. One morning when she arrived at Sunday school she found the school so crowded that she could not get in the door. She stood outside, confused and afraid to push through the crowds of children to find a place in the Sunday school. The kindly pastor, Reverend Russell Conwell, came by and saw the scared little girl standing outside with her Sunday school book and he picked her up, carried her on his shoulders and found a place for her in the crowded Sunday school classroom.
The next day Reverend Conwell saw Hattie again and he told her that he was hoping to soon have enough money to build a bigger church so that there would be lots of room for all of the children.

Some time later Hattie May became very sick. She died in 1886. After the funeral the family came to the pastor with a worn and crumpled little purse containing 57¢. They told Reverend Conwell that Hattie May had been saving the money to help build a new church and Sunday school that would have enough room for all the children. The pastor could not believe it. He had not even begun to save or raise any money for the new building. The pastor told his parishioners about Hattie’s small gift and very quickly more and more people were making donations for the new church. They all knew that if a little girl could give 57¢ surely they could give something.

Today this simple little Temple Baptist Church is one of the largest in Philadelphia with seating for 3,300 and Temple University where hundreds of students study the Christian faith every year. And they credit it all to Hattie May’s 57¢!

Raffle Calendar

If you are interested in placing your work logo or ad in the St. Joe’s School Raffle calendar for the next school year, please contact Mike Hiett @ 585-1795.

Office Closed

The Parish Office will be closed May 31st for Memorial Day.

Please remember to honor all those who have died for our freedom.

Eucharistic Adoration

“Christ is reserved in our churches as the spiritual center of the heart of the community, the universal Church and all humanity, since within the veil of the species, Christ is contained, the Invisible Heart of the Church, the Redeemer of the world, the center of all hearts, by Him all things are and of whom we exist.” (Pope Paul IV, Mysterium Fidei)

Jesus is waiting. Could you please help with adoration during these times?

Sunday - 11 am
Monday - 10 am, 11 am
Tuesday 11am
Wednesday - Midnight, 3 am
Thursday - 5 pm
Saturday - Midnight, 6 am, 6 pm.
Bold hours = no adorers.

Call Carol, 582-5011 to volunteer.

Summer Music Camp

St. Joseph’s Church Summer Music Camp For Children!

We’re having a BEACH PARTY!!!!
July 26-29, 2010 9:00 to 11:45 AM
Singing, Games, and Instruments!

For Children Entering: 2nd - 6th grades

Contact Susan Miller: 586-3820
Sign up in church office!
Cost $10, scholarships available

Saturday, May 8, 2010


The SCRIP program is looking for volunteers to support our growing program. If you’re interested in getting involved or just have some great ideas, please join us for a dessert and brainstorming meeting Monday May 10th at 6:30PM at Holy Grounds Cafe.

All parishioners are welcome to help and we are putting together some great changes for summer and next fall!