Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Mass Schedule
English Masses:
Christmas Eve:
4:00PM (Children’s Mass)
MIDNIGHT (music begins at 11:00PM)
Christmas Day:

Spanish Masses:
Christmas Eve: 8:00PM
Christmas Day: 1:00PM

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thursday, December 8,
is a Holy Day of Obligation
Masses all in the New Church

English Masses:
Vigil Mass: December 7th at 7:30PM
December 8th 6:30, 8:30, 9:30AM, 12:05, & 6PM

Spanish Mass: December 8th
Rosary at 7:30PM followed by Mass
Knights of Columbus Tree Sales

The lot will be open from
9am to 8pm on week-ends and
3pm to 8pm on week-days.

Bring Donated food to their Food Trailer
to be taken to the Kennewick Food Bank
to help needy families for Christmas
Christmas Mass Schedule

English Masses:
Christmas Eve:
4:00PM (Children’s Mass)
MIDNIGHT (music begins at 11:00PM)
Christmas Day:

Spanish Masses:
Christmas Eve: 8:00PM
Christmas Day: 1:00PM
Thursday, December 8,
is a Holy Day of Obligation
Masses all in the New Church

English Masses:
Vigil Mass: December 7th at 7:30PM
December 8th 6:30, 8:30, 9:30AM, 12:05, & 6PM

Spanish Mass: December 8th
Rosary at 7:30PM followed by Mass

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The 100th Anniversary DVD

The 100th Anniversary DVD -- available in a few weeks
We plan to include the photo histories that were shown at the Mass and the longer one that was shown at the Dinner. Also included will be pictures at the Mass by Rich Breshears and from the dinner by Rick Rutherford..

Suggested Donation for the DVD will be $10.00. There are yellow sign up sheets in the foyer to order one of these DVDs or call or email the parish office.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Anniversary MASS 10:00AM
Sunday, Nov 6th at the Three Rivers
Convention Center. Free tickets available
after Mass or in the
Parish Office. All needs a tickets except babes in arms.)
Gala Dinner 2PM, Sunday, Nov. 6th in
Dillon Hall following the Anniversary
$15.00 tickets some available at the
door at Dillon Hall

Friday, October 21, 2011

All Saints & All Souls Mass Schedule

All Saints Day
A Holy Day of Obligation
Masses: English: 6:30, 8:30 & 9:30AM
12:05 and 7:30PM
Spanish: 6:00PM

All Souls Day
Masses: English: 6:30, 8:30AM & 6:00PM
Spanish: 7:30PM

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dedication of our Columbarium
After 9AM Mass
Sunday, October 2
Bishop Emeritus Sevilla will be here to celebrate the 9AM Mass
and dedication
Attention Women of St. Joseph’s:
The Arts and Crafts
Bazaar/Show 11/11&11/12 will have a
“Silent Auction”.

We need people to put together a gift basket on their own and/or donate items we can use in some baskets we will be putting together. Ideas we have are 1) Bath and Beauty Basket: soaps, lotions,candles,hairspray etc.2) Wine Basket: wine,small cans of nuts,chocolates,crackers etc. 3)Movie Night Basket: movies,popcorn,candy etc.4) Book Basket. Other ideas you may have are welcome. Also if you have a treasure new or slightly used you would like to donate or if you have questions on any of the above please call or e-mail 628-2644 or Susan Hayward 628-2840 or Marlene Beaver phone 1-206-706-9079. We need and want you to participate!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

St. Joseph’s Yard Sale

Women of St. Joseph’s Yard Sale is Sept 16 & 17. We are in need of any and all help to make this Yard Sale a huge success for our community and the church. Help set up beginning Sunday, Sept. 11 from 1-5PM and during the week beginning at 8AM. We are in real needof helpers to tear down on Saturday, Sept. 17 in the afternoon. Call Kimber, 438-3344 with questions or more info.

Blue Mass

In Remembrance of the 10th Anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a BLUE MASS at 9:00 am on Sunday, Sept. 11th at St Joseph’s Catholic Church. A BLUE MASS is a special Mass to honor and pay tribute to all law enforcement officials, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, armed forces members, and families who serve our communities and place their lives in harm’s way to protect us.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Religious Education

You may still register your children for Religious Ed until September 30 --
there will be a $5.00 late fee added to their tuition.

Adult Sacraments

Adult First Communion and
Confirmation Class begins Sept. 11th at 4PM in the
Music Room of the Annex. Classes are one hour and you will receive a calendar of classes at the first class.
Sacraments will be held at the Easter Vigil in April.

Choir Begins

Do you like to sing? Come join the Adult Choir! We sing from many centuries of choral literature and have fun! We meet every Thursday at 7 PM in the Sanctuary and sing at the 9 AM Mass on Sundays.
Susan Miller, Music Director, 586-3820

St. Joe’s Arts & Crafts Show

Calling all crafty people:
There are still booths available for the St. Joe’s Arts & Crafts Show, to be held November 11 & 12. Booths start at $60 for 8 x 6 space, and until Sept. 15, receive $10 off the cost of your booth. Contact Sierra Lawrence at for an application or more info.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Religious Ed Registrations

Registrations for Spanish Religious Ed will be accepted only after Saturday evening and Sunday Mass. No Spanish Registrations will be accepted at the Parish Office. Kindergarten and up.

Registrations for English Religious Ed are being accepted at the Parish Office. Registration Forms are on the foyer table or in the Parish Office.

Kindergarten and up.
Costs for either program:
One child $40.00
Two children $70.00
3 - 5 children $80.00
Registration is required each year.

A $5.00 late registration fee will be added after August 31st and registration ends September 30, 2010. If fee cannot be paid at time of registration, monthly payments may be made.

First Communion/First Confession is a two year course. First Grade followed by their First
Communion year in second grade.
If your child is older and needs First Communion please mention that when registering.

Religious Education
Elementary Rel Ed Wednesdays 4PM
Spanish Rel Ed Saturdays 9AM
RCIA Mondays 7PM

Youth Group/Religious Ed
High School Rel Ed Sundays 5 - 7PM PAC
Middle School Rel Ed Mondays 6 - 8PM PAC
Spanish Youth Group Fridays 7PM Basement

Save Baby Patrick Fund Raiser Dinner

On Sunday, August 28, 2011, The Knights of Columbus Council 8179 is sponsoring a fund raiser dinner to help defray the high cost of medical treatment for Baby Patrick Murphy.
He is awaiting brain surgery and
donations are needed to support that effort. The dinner will be from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. and will be held in Dillon Hall.
All are welcome and any donations will be accepted and graciously appreciated. The meal may be simple but the generosity that you share that evening will be forever remembered in prayers of thanksgiving.

In addition to the dinner there will be a Dessert Auction; if you would be interested in preparing some scrumptious dessert that could be auctioned off that night please contact me directly at and let me know what you will be baking. God Bless you and your day!
April Burris, 946-6856

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday, August 15
is a
Holy Day of Obligation
Masses all in the New Church
English Masses:
6:30, 8:30AM, 12:05, & 6PM
Spanish Mass: 8PM

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jag Fest

Come celebrate the kickoff
to the 2011-2012 school year at the
Tri-Cities Prep Annual Jag Fest!
Guaranteed good friends, good
conversations, and great food!!
When: Sunday August 14th 2011
Where: Tri-Cities Prep Softball Field
Time: 5:30-7:30p.m.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Columbarium Information Meetings
First Thursday of the month
in the Conference Room
This Thursday - August 4

Religious Ed

Registrations for Spanish Religious Ed will be accepted only after Saturday evening and Sunday Mass. No Spanish Registrations will be accepted at the Parish Office.

Registrations for English Religious Ed are being accepted at the Parish Office. Registration Forms are on the foyer table or in the Parish Office.

Costs for either program:
One child $40.00
Two children $70.00
3 - 5 children $80.00

Registration is required each year.

A $5.00 late registration fee will be added after August 31st and registration ends September
30, 2010. If fee cannot be paid at time of registration, monthly payments may be made.

Religious Education
Elementary Rel Ed Wednesdays 4PM
Spanish Rel Ed Saturdays 9AM
RCIA Mondays 7PM

Youth Group/Religious Ed

High School Rel Ed Sundays 5 - 7PM PAC
Middle School Rel Ed Mondays 6 - 8PM PAC
Spanish Youth Group Fridays 7PM Basement

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2011 Northwest Catholic Men’s Conference

Men - mark your calendars for Friday evening and Saturday, September 23 & 24. We will be conducting our 2nd annual Fall Men’s Conference. This event will feature Bishop Joseph Tyson and Fr. Larry Richards, a nationally recognized speaker and author.
For additional information and registration
please see or call (509) 586-3820.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Columbarium Information Meetings
Ashes internment, prices, etc.

Saturday, July 16 at 9AM
Conference Room
Thursday, July 21 at 7PM
Conference Room

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Parish Office is closed Monday, July 4th
Have a safe holiday!
Columbarium Information Meetings
Ashes internment, prices, etc.

Saturday, July 16 at 9AM Conference Room
Thursday, July 21 at 7PM Conference Room
Volunteers needed to park cars for the 4th of July
at Columbia Park

The Knights of Columbus need additional help at Columbia Park on the 4th of July. This could fulfill service hours for confirmation candidates. We especially need help between 12-4pm and from 4-8pm. When arriving at Columbia Park, volunteers should notify the ticket seller that they are parking cars for the Knights of Columbus and they won’t have to pay to get in. After arrival into the park, ask one of the parking attendants where to go. Contact Larry Devlin at 360-981-3179 or Joe Gallegos at 509-521-3648 for info.
Are you looking for a fun, awesome, totally Catholic summer camp? Quo Vadis Days is for you! Sponsored by the Vocations Office and organized by seminarians, it’s a summer camp for young men, ages 13-19, happening on July 11-14 at Liberty Lake, just outside Spokane. Learn more about it at

To register, please visit

This Sunday, July3rd is the deadline.
Our St. Joseph’s Summer Music Camp will be held July 18-21, 9:00 to 11:45 AM. This is for children entering 2nd-6th grades. You don’t need musical experience to join the fun! We limit the number of children to 25, so sign up early. Cost is $10.00 to cover snacks and materials. Registration forms are in the church office or call Susan Miller, 586-3820.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Youth Schedule for the Summer

Sunday: High School Youth Activities (Games, meetups off site, general random summer fun) from 5-7 pm every week in the Youth Room unless previously announced. Incoming freshman and outgoing seniors are all welcome!

Monday: Middle School Youth Activities (Pretty much same as above, except with a short 20-30 min Bible study added to the end of each meeting) from 5-7 every week **Starting on June 20** in the youth room, unless previously announced. Incoming 6th graders and outgoing 8th graders are all welcome!

Wednesday: High School Bible Study. We'll start a series on the 7 Covenants of Scripture here in about 2 weeks. Parents and other adults are more than welcome to attend! Come to give your input or to learn more about Scripture. As a side note, I just want to share that I'm really big on making sure Catholics know their Bibles. When I was in college, I saw so many people leave the Church because their Protestant friends were better able to quote and use scripture. Let's make sure this doesn't happen in our families!

Thursday: Ultimate Frisbee and High School Movie Night.  We'll be playing Ultimate Frisbee starting at 5pm, then at 7 watching random, fun, scary, or whatever movies in the youth room. Popcorn and other snacks encouraged. Middle school students are welcome, but please be aware that some of the movies may be rated PG-13, and anyone younger than 13 should have a permission slip signed. Movies will always be over by 10pm.

Saturdays: We will be having an event at least every other Saturday. This past week, it was a Car Wash helping to raise funds for our trip to Creationfest. If you have any other ideas for fundraisers or a location that would be good for a car wash, please let me know! Next week, it will be the Young Women's Retreat. If you know of a young woman who would like to attend but hasn't registered yet, please pass along this form. Space is limited, so register ASAP!

Some other activities available to all:
1.) Adoration: My adoration hours are Monday at 11 a.m. and Thursday at noon. Anyone who would like to join me or learn more about adoration are welcome to show up.
2.) A few teens have expressed interest in meeting for daily mass at 8:30. If someone just wants people to sit with or someone to meet with coffee afterward, they are welcome to join us.
3.) A group of the young adults are starting a Swing Dancing club/group. We'll be meeting every Monday from 7-10 pm in Dillon Hall. The first hour will be a swing lesson, and then we'll just have some time to dance. EVERYONE (all ages, as long as they'll follow directions) is welcome, and it's totally free.
4.) I'm on the committee for this year's Theology on Tap. If you know anyone 21+ who might like to join us for a beer and some faith talk, give them my info and I'll make sure they get an invitation.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Holy Week Schedule

Holy Thursday:
Spanish 6:00PM
English 8:00PM

Good Friday:
School Stations (open to all) 11:15 AM
English 3PM, 6PM
Spanish 7:30 PM

Easter Vigil:
Blessing Easter Baskets 2:00 PM
English  8:00 PM
Spanish 11:30 PM

Easter Sunday:
English    7:00, 9:00, 11:00AM & 7:00PM
Spanish   1:00PM

There are NO morning Masses on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday

Friday, February 4, 2011

Last Chance

to purchase tickets for Art & Wine Festival at a reduced price! Tickets will be available at the door for $60. Visit to order will-call tickets for $50.  Tickets can also be purchased at the parish and school offices.

Sunday, February 6th

Parish Bulletin
Youth Newsletter