Monday, February 27, 2017

Living Lent Together: A Catholic Couple's Guide to Growing Closer to God and Each Other

Presented by Teresa Tomeo and Greg & Julie Alexander

There is no doubt devout Catholics take the purification period of Lent seriously by making sacrifices and taking on more faith-filled activities, but how about taking the same approach with your spouse? Greg and Julie Alexander of the Alexander House marriage ministry join Teresa Tomeo,  internationally acclaimed TV and radio personality, and "Eye on Culture" columnist for OSV Newsweekly, as they explore ideas and exercises that will help bring couples closer together by growing closer to God.

March 1, 2017: 11-12 p.m. Eastern

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AUTHOR SERIES: Every Step with Jesus

Presented by John Collins

As followers of Christ, we are among those souls walking the steep slope to Calvary with Jesus - to his death, but to our life.


Every Step with Jesus is a new and fruitful way to consider the Way of the Cross, not just in public display, but in our private meditation and reflection. Pray through one station per day or week. Choose a station to help you focus on a particular need or intention. Taking every step of every day with Jesus we become more like him, and become more able to take his light out into a darkened world.


March 2, 2017: 2-2:30 p.m. Eastern
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THE EVER-PRESENT GOD: Iconoclasm in the Western Church During the Reformation

Join us as Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, internationally acclaimed biblical scholar, TV personality and author, presents a free, one-hour webcast, in partnership with Our Sunday Visitor that will help you understand the history of the Reformation during the 500th anniversary year.

March 8, 2017: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Eastern
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Wednesday, February 22, 2017



As a parish community, we gather to share a simple meal of meatless soup and bread of Thursday during Lent. We start with Mass at 5:15pm in the OC, followed by delicious Soup in the Parish Hall.  It is an opportunity to remember those who go without on a regular basis, as well as to unite as one group with a common purpose. Guests are invited to come with family, friends and please bring your own bowl. Spoons, cups and napkins will be supplied. 

We are in need of soup and bread each Thursday.  
Those who wish to bring soup can call Debbie 222-8805 or the Parish Office 586-3820.  Soup can be made at home and brought to the Parish Hall kitchen by 4:30pm.

March 2 Women of St Joseph

March 9 Catholic Daughters and Jr Catholic Daughters

March 23 Knights of Columbus

March 30 RCIA

April 6 Fil-AM


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Brothers and sisters we have a few days available for Mass intentions. 
Sunday 26th @ 7pm, Wed. 3/1 @ 4:30pm or 6pm, 3/3 @ 9:30am, 6:30am, Sat 3/4@ 5:30pm, Sun. 3/5 @ 9am, 11am, 7pm. Remember that one of the best gifts we can give is a Mass in honor or memory of someone special. Please come to the office if you would like a time. God Bless

Extended for
1-Year Digital OSV Newsweekly 
FREE for the first 1000 people


Our Sunday Visitor’s iconic newsweekly publication has been serving Catholics for more than 100 years, delivering Catholic clarity in a complex world. OSV Newsweekly provides timely coverage of important national and international religious events reported from a Catholic perspective. Critical news, information and spiritual guidance abound in every issue. Compelling human interest stories, special features and much more are all included in this colorful weekly news magazine.


Advantages of the Digital Edition:
  • Text-to-speech lets you listen to the news and stories
  • Search for keywords and set alerts
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Offer expires Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 7 p.m. EST
The 1st Catholic Faith Challenge is almost upon us!   Please support our middle schoolers as they show us their knowledge of our faith in trivia style competition against other regional middle schoolers!   

The CFC is looking for snack donations of individually wrapped candy, chips and other snacks, plus bottled water for our March 18th Challenge!  Please drop by the school or parish office!   Thank you!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

God takes pleasure in being with you. . . . To pray is to lose time freely before him. It is a grace to be happy with him and to recognize his presence.”
—Jean Lafrance, Pray to Your Father in Secret

Friday, February 17, 2017

Tri-Cities Walk
All are welcome to the Tri-Cities annual walk for life, the "Cross Walk", to be held on this Saturday, February 18th. We will gather at the Lampson Stadium parking lot at 9:15am and walk to St Joseph's School soccer field carrying small crosses. At the soccer field we will set up the crosses in memory of all the babies that have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. After the march there will be hot chocolate, coffee, and donuts served at the Dillon Hall.

Tri-Cities Lenten Penance Services 2017 

March 13th (Mon.) │New Church │7:00 PM││St. Joseph, Kennewick  

April 3 (Mon.) │7:00 p.m. │Christ the King, Richland│ 1111 Stevens Dr,

Richland, WA 99354 

April 5 (Wed.) │7:00 p.m.│ St. Patrick, Pasco (English) │ 1320 W Henry St,

Pasco, WA 99301 

April 6 (Thur.)│ 6:00 p.m. │St. Patrick, Pasco (Spanish) │ 1320 W Henry St,

Pasco, WA 99301 

April 10 (Mon.)│ 7:00 p.m.│ Parish of the Holy Spirit │ 7409 W Clearwater Ave, Kennewick, WA 99336


ESL Instructors Needed

This invitations is to all Parishioners how have the desire to teach English as a second language. We encourage all retired and practicing teachers to join us in this new mission by helping our brothers and sisters  concur the English language. Please call the Parish office for more information or to sing up.


Collection for Black and Indian Mission 2017

This weekend our parish will take up the 134th annual National Black and Indian Mission Collection. Our support of this collection helps build the Church in African American, Native American, and Alaska Native communities from coast to coast, including our diocese, which received $5,000 from the Black and Indian Mission Collection last year. Schools, parish religious education programs, and diocesan ministries depend on your generosity to help them spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! You can help meet unmet needs with a generous contribution today using the envelopes provided on the pews.  Thank you for your support.




As a parish community, we gather to share a simple meal of meatless soup and bread Thursday during Lent. We start with Mass at 5:15pm in the OC, followed by delicious Soup in the Parish Hall.  It is an opportunity to remember those who go without on a regular basis, as well as to unite as one group with a common purpose. Guests are invited to come with family, friends please bring your own bowl and a donations to help our brothers and sisters in need. Spoons, cups and napkins will be supplied. 

We are in need of soup and bread each Thursday.  
Those who wish to bring soup can call Debbie 222-8805 or the Parish Office 586-3820.  Soup can be made at home and brought to the Parish Hall kitchen by 4:30pm.


St. Joseph's PREPARES Ministry provides essential needs supplies and family companions for pregnant & parenting families with children ages 0-5. We are accepting new volunteers, children's items including new clothes size 0-6, diapers & baby wipes. Stop by the Annex Tuesdays between 9:30am to noon or use the Prepares form available in the church foyer or Parish office.


Ash Wednesday information!
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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Yard Sale April 28-29 2017 But now is a good time to clean out closets and covers. Dad’s clean out the garage. (we sell tools too). Please hold furniture & large items until the week of the sell. Clothing & small items can be left in the small storage shed behind the PAC or bring in any Monday morning between 10-12pm to the storage building where they will be sorted & boxed. Remember all proceeds benefit our Parish. If you have any questions please call Theresa Thomas @ 509 366-5631


Cornerstone Consultation: 

Bishop Joseph Tyson is traveling across the diocese giving talks on contemporary social issues.  He will be at Christ the King on Friday, Feb. 24 at 5:00 p.m. in the Gathering Space to speak to parish catechists:  RCIA teachers, Religious Education teachers and youth ministers.

Bishop Tyson will address four key themes:

1. Abortion: Unique public policy challenges in Washington State

2. Immigration: The "bracero" laws and their legacy on immigrant families across the generations here in Central Washington

3. Cornerstone Conference, October 2017: Bringing together issues of life and justice (Keynote Speaker is Bishop Robert Barron, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles); and

4. Pastoral Letter on Poverty: Working upstream on issues of life and justice. Questions, comments and discussion will follow the presentation.


The Best Catholic Content. All in One Place is a revolutionary online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies form trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. Catechism and Personal Faith Formation are at the fingertips of every parishioner. Visit to learn about these resources delivered to you by the Augustine Institute.            Passcode:W3J7DF

Please make use of this great tool.

Ash Wednesday March 1st

Mass in English     6:30, 8:30, 9:30am 12:05pm (service) 4:30, 6:00 pm NC
Mass in Spanish    7:30 pm NC
Ashes will be available all day in the NC
Penance Service  March 13th @ 7:00pm NC 

Stations of the Cross Friday’s during lent 
English @ 6:00 pm NC
Spanish @ 7:00 pm NC