“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” - John 3:16
Of all the wonderful gifts that God has given to us, the gift of His own Son is truly the greatest. How can we ever thank God for a gift like that? God does not ask us to sacrifice our own precious firstborn, but He does ask that we make some sacrifices for Him.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute all those who are using their Rice Bowls during the Lenten Season.
Our Children’s Stewardship
Use some of these questions at dinner time to help get the conversation headed in the right direction.
Name some people for whom you are thankful. Why are you thankful for them?
God gave us Jesus. What could be our family’s greatest gift back to God?
Do gifts to God always have to be money?
What other kinds of gifts honor God?
Parish Financial Stewardship Summary
Collection for March 15, 2009
Regular: 16,426.27
(Needed to make budget ($16,500)
Children’s: 23.50
School Endowment 237.00
Building Fund Report
4th Campaign Pledged $1,491,308.80
Building Fund Weekly Collection: 3,991.50