Saturday, March 7, 2009


On March 1, our Parish “sent” our Catechumens and Candidates to Yakima to celebrate the Rite of Election with Bishop Sevilla.  Those Catechumens declared part of the Elect were: 

􀀿Richard Gilbert
􀀿Linzi Harris
􀀿Katie Kollmeyer
􀀿Rebecca Rutherford
􀀿Haley Snell
􀀿Keith Voght
Those Candidates called to Full Communion with the Church by the Bishop were:
􀀿Jennifer George
􀀿Roger Kroshus
􀀿Tom Rucker
􀀿Wendy Short
􀀿Shirley Vozzello
The Period of Purification and Enlightenment begins after the Rite of Election. The intention of this period is to intensify their desire for the Sacraments by helping them to purify their minds and hearts as well as enlightening them with a deeper knowledge of Christ.  Others in this formation process are those adult baptized Catholics preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
􀀿Ranee Coronado
􀀿Charlette Gilbert
􀀿Valerie Valdez
Adults preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in this process are:
􀀿Sanjuanita Candanoza
􀀿Stephen Snell
Please pray for these and all who are in a Sacramental preparation process. Thank you.