The Aaron Project, a Grief Support ministry of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, presents a 3 part
Grief Seminar called, Footprints on Our Hearts. Footprints on Our Hearts offers ways to cope with the feelings of grief, guilt, hurt, helplessness, and deep sorrow that one experiences with a loss of a child through miscarriage, stillborn or infant loss. Appropriate for families after their baby dies in the days and weeks that follow to offer encouragement, understanding and hope for the future.
Please plan to attend the next 2 sessions on March 12 and March 26 from 7-8 in St. Joseph’s Conference room.
For more info, questions or RSVP, contact Susan Hayward @ 628-2840.
There will be someone there to translate to Spanish if needed. This class is for friends as well as family of people who have lost a child. It will help you know what to say or do if this happens to someone close to you.