If you are new to St. Joseph, we welcome you. If you would like to become a part of our Catholic Community, call the Parish Office, 586-3820 or just stop by the office. If you have a question, comment, or need to request something from the office please email to cpatnode@stjoseph-kennewick.org
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Love your parish
Our church is the place where we come together as a community to love and praise God. It is the holy place where we gather strength to support one another in the task of living the gospel. It is the place where we comeprivately to enter into intimate conversation with God. In this building many prodigal sons and daughters have met the merciful Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and been welcomed back to our community. In this building tears have been shed by those in pain and grief. Let’s look around our church this morning and treasure it. Respect it as you would your most prized possession and teach that respect to your children. Take ownership, if you see something wrong make sure that the staff knows about it so it can be corrected or go that extra step and help us correct it. When we pass our church, we might take the time to make a brief visit. Let us make our church even more of a holy place by adding our prayers and songs to parish worship and offering our time and talents in the various ministries.