One Day Conference
Johnnette Benkovic
Father Richard Finnio
When: March 28th, 2009
Where: St. Joseph’s Dillon Hall
Cost: $60–incl. lunch & materials
Check In: 8AM
Conference begins: 9AM
Conference includes:
Reconciliation and Mass
Make Lent more meaningfuland heal your soul.
For more info: Jennifer 509-528-6455
Conference Theme
Healed for Holiness:
Mending the Wounds of the Heart
Presentations Titles
The Healing Sacraments
Father Edmund Sylvia, CSC
Healed for Holiness
Johnnette Benkovic
Mending the Wounds of the Heart
Johnnette Benkovic
Made New in Christ
Johnnette and Father Sylvia
Registration Form
Name: ______________________
Email: ______________________
Address: ____________________
Make Checks payable to:
Women of St. Joseph’s
Send Registration Form & payment to:
Jennifer Hickman
c/o St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
520 S Garfield
Kennewick WA 99336