If you are new to St. Joseph, we welcome you. If you would like to become a part of our Catholic Community, call the Parish Office, 586-3820 or just stop by the office. If you have a question, comment, or need to request something from the office please email to cpatnode@stjoseph-kennewick.org
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Coming Events in the Parish
Mark Your Calendars
Soup Thursdays 5:15 Mass followed by Soup in Dillon Hall Mar. 19, 26, Apr. 2
Fish Frys in Dillon Hall 5-8PM Mar. 20, Apr. 3
Women of Grace Dillon Hall March 28
Easter April 12
First Communion April 25 10AM
Confirmation April 25 5:30PM Mass
Spanish First Communion May 9 10AM
Regular Events
Children’s Liturgy 1st & 3rd Sunday 11:00AM
Pro-Life Rosary Tuesdays Planned Parenthood 9:20AM
Marian Mass Tuesdays New Church 8:00PM
Spanish Mass Thursdays Chapel 7:00PM
Christophers Wednesdays Msgr. Dillon’s House 7:00PM
First Friday Confession & Mass Chapel 6:30PM
Mom’s Group Every Other Friday 9:30AM
Religious Education
Elementary Rel Ed Wednesdays 4PM
High School Rel Ed Sundays 9AM
Middle School Rel Ed Sundays 9AM
Spanish Rel Ed Saturdays 9AM
Adult 1st Com/Conf Sundays 4PM
RCIA Mondays 7PM
No Religious Ed on these Dates:
Elementary April 1
Middle & High School March 22, 29 & April 12
Spanish March 21, April 4 & 11
Soup Thursdays 5:15 Mass followed by Soup in Dillon Hall Mar. 19, 26, Apr. 2
Fish Frys in Dillon Hall 5-8PM Mar. 20, Apr. 3
Women of Grace Dillon Hall March 28
Easter April 12
First Communion April 25 10AM
Confirmation April 25 5:30PM Mass
Spanish First Communion May 9 10AM
Regular Events
Children’s Liturgy 1st & 3rd Sunday 11:00AM
Pro-Life Rosary Tuesdays Planned Parenthood 9:20AM
Marian Mass Tuesdays New Church 8:00PM
Spanish Mass Thursdays Chapel 7:00PM
Christophers Wednesdays Msgr. Dillon’s House 7:00PM
First Friday Confession & Mass Chapel 6:30PM
Mom’s Group Every Other Friday 9:30AM
Religious Education
Elementary Rel Ed Wednesdays 4PM
High School Rel Ed Sundays 9AM
Middle School Rel Ed Sundays 9AM
Spanish Rel Ed Saturdays 9AM
Adult 1st Com/Conf Sundays 4PM
RCIA Mondays 7PM
No Religious Ed on these Dates:
Elementary April 1
Middle & High School March 22, 29 & April 12
Spanish March 21, April 4 & 11
Mass Intentions for March 23 - 28
Monday 6:30 Joseph Hall
8:30 † Jean McConnell
Tuesday 6:30 † Dennis Auve
8:30 † Eric McLaughlin
10AM † Jean McConnell
Wed. 6:30 † Leona Briggs
8:30 † Jack Glesener
Thursday 6:30 † Betty Latimore
8:30 † Brooke Petkevicius
5:15 Sp. Intention Bonnie Lipke
7PM Kent Harrison
Friday 6:30 † Virginia Northrup
8:30 † Jean McConnell
Saturday 8:30 † Betty Latimore
Contact the parish office to request a Mass for a special intention, repose of a soul, or in honor of someone’s birthday, feast day or in memory of the day someone died. If you have a special day or days for the year, make your list and send it to Caroline with your donations (drop it by the office or into the collection basket). The suggested donation is $10.00. Special Intention Masses Monday thru Saturday only.
Sunday Masses are celebrated for the St. Joseph congregation.
8:30 † Jean McConnell
Tuesday 6:30 † Dennis Auve
8:30 † Eric McLaughlin
10AM † Jean McConnell
Wed. 6:30 † Leona Briggs
8:30 † Jack Glesener
Thursday 6:30 † Betty Latimore
8:30 † Brooke Petkevicius
5:15 Sp. Intention Bonnie Lipke
7PM Kent Harrison
Friday 6:30 † Virginia Northrup
8:30 † Jean McConnell
Saturday 8:30 † Betty Latimore
Contact the parish office to request a Mass for a special intention, repose of a soul, or in honor of someone’s birthday, feast day or in memory of the day someone died. If you have a special day or days for the year, make your list and send it to Caroline with your donations (drop it by the office or into the collection basket). The suggested donation is $10.00. Special Intention Masses Monday thru Saturday only.
Sunday Masses are celebrated for the St. Joseph congregation.
Women of Grace Conference (last chance to sign up)

One Day Conference
Johnnette Benkovic
Father Richard Finnio
When: March 28th, 2009
Where: St. Joseph’s Dillon Hall
Cost: $60–incl. lunch & materials
Check In: 8AM
Conference begins: 9AM
Conference includes:
Reconciliation and Mass
Make Lent more meaningfuland heal your soul.
For more info: Jennifer 509-528-6455
Conference Theme
Healed for Holiness:
Mending the Wounds of the Heart
Presentations Titles
The Healing Sacraments
Father Edmund Sylvia, CSC
Healed for Holiness
Johnnette Benkovic
Mending the Wounds of the Heart
Johnnette Benkovic
Made New in Christ
Johnnette and Father Sylvia
Registration Form
Name: ______________________
Email: ______________________
Address: ____________________
Make Checks payable to:
Women of St. Joseph’s
Send Registration Form & payment to:
Jennifer Hickman
c/o St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
520 S Garfield
Kennewick WA 99336
Blessing of Easter Baskets
A Blessing of Easter Baskets will take place in St. Joseph’s Church on Holy Saturday, April 11th at 2:00PM

Lenten Penance Services
Sunday, April 5, 3:30PM St. Joseph Parish
Wed. April 1, 7:00PM St. Patrick Parish
(Bilingual Service)
Thurs. April 2, 7:00PM St. Frances Cabrini
Monday, April 6, 7:00PM Christ the King Parish
Tuesday, April 7, 7:00PM Parish of the Holy Spirit
Pray for the Sick
Rosalie Genoni, Logan Bussman, Ann Harrison, Sara Huerta, Pearl O’Dell, Rosita Salsbury, Mariette Munro, Dennis Janikowski, Bob Baker, Andy Kopriva, Jacqueline Gabino, Sandra Barrickman, Merle Larkin, David Wilson, Donald Gilman, Judi Davis, Cathy Johnson, Opal Harger, Jerome Bruner, James and Alice Lambert, Robert Glennen, Patricia Thomas, Joe Ginter, Bev Munro, Jadwiga Mosio, Jim O’Donnell, Pauline McAloon, Don Kenning, Colin Ward, Gertrude Dunham, Richard Beebe, Msgr. Martin Skehan, Phyllis Crnkovich, Emil Zlatich, Joe Guajardo, Paula Hansen, Carol Truitt, Deacon Al Rizzo, Bernadette Kienzle, Carl Anderson, Tristan Hansen, Clement Knoll, Jim McConnell, Edyth Hampton, Elaine Himes, Tom Wendt, all parishioners experiencing health problems,
AND FOR THE DECEASED especially Doris Roth, grandmother of Angele St. Hilaire and those who died recently.
AND FOR THE DECEASED especially Doris Roth, grandmother of Angele St. Hilaire and those who died recently.
Please Pray For Our Military Men and Women
St. Vincent de Paul Society

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” - John 3:16
Of all the wonderful gifts that God has given to us, the gift of His own Son is truly the greatest. How can we ever thank God for a gift like that? God does not ask us to sacrifice our own precious firstborn, but He does ask that we make some sacrifices for Him.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute all those who are using their Rice Bowls during the Lenten Season.
Our Children’s Stewardship
Use some of these questions at dinner time to help get the conversation headed in the right direction.
Name some people for whom you are thankful. Why are you thankful for them?
God gave us Jesus. What could be our family’s greatest gift back to God?
Do gifts to God always have to be money?
What other kinds of gifts honor God?
Parish Financial Stewardship Summary
Collection for March 15, 2009
Regular: 16,426.27
(Needed to make budget ($16,500)
Children’s: 23.50
School Endowment 237.00
Building Fund Report
4th Campaign Pledged $1,491,308.80
Building Fund Weekly Collection: 3,991.50
Friday, March 13, 2009
Make your wish
Show your support for Catholic Family & Child Service’s programs by attending their 22nd Annual Gala Dinner & Auction, “Arabian Nights”, coming up April 18th, 2009, at the Three River’s Convention Center. Tickets are $50.00 and include dinner, wine and festivities. All proceeds support programs for the poor and vulnerable with this year’s spotlight on Strengthening Families.
If you’re interested in supporting their great cause, call 946-4645 for tickets.
Thanks from St. Robert Joseph
Many thanks to all for a Memorable 85th Birthday Celebration, I am most grateful to all.
St. Robert Joseph
School News
A Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the elementary school lobby from March 22- 27th. Parents, grandparents, and anyone interested in seeing new books, is welcome to attend. Books will be sold during the Open House on Sunday from 10:00-1:00. They may also be purchased during the week at lunch times, 12-1:00 and after school, 3:00-3:30. Wednesday and Friday are early release days so selling will be after dismissal at 12:00. Please come and take a look. A Scholastic Book Fair homepage has been created for our school. You can find information about our fair, preview some of the available books, and even print out a wish list. Check it out at: http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/mustangs . See you at the Book Fair, Mar. 22nd-27th, in the school lobby.
Baptism Update
The March 28th English Baptisms have been moved to April 4th.
There will be NO Spanish Baptisms or Baptism Classes in March.
April Spanish Baptism Classes will be held on April 15 and 22
Questions: Call the Parish Office
There will be NO Spanish Baptisms or Baptism Classes in March.
April Spanish Baptism Classes will be held on April 15 and 22
Questions: Call the Parish Office
Logan Bussman, Ann Harrison, Sara Huerta, PearlO’Dell, Rosita Salsbury, Mariette Munro, Dennis Janikowski, Bob Baker, Andy Kopriva, Jacqueline Gabino, Sandra Barrickman, Merle Larkin, David Wilson, Donald Gilman, Judi Davis, Cathy Johnson, Opal Harger, Jerome Bruner, James and Alice Lambert, Robert Glennen, Patricia Thomas, Joe Ginter, Bev Munro,Jadwiga Mosio, Jim O’Donnell, Pauline McAloon, Don Kenning, Colin Ward, Gertrude Dunham, Richard Beebe, Msgr. Martin Skehan, Phyllis Crnkovich, Emil Zlatich, Joe Guajardo, Paula Hansen, Carol Truitt, Deacon Al Rizzo,Bernadette Kienzle, Carl Anderson, Tristan Hansen,Clement Knoll, Jim McConnell, Edyth Hampton, Elaine Himes, Tom Wendt, all parishioners experiencing health problems, AND FOR THE DECEASED especially and those who died recently.
Please Pray For Our Military Men and Women
Working Ultreya will be on Saturday, March 21, 2009 at Christ the King, Youth Center, Richland from 9-11am. The teams are forming for the Cursillos being held in October, 2009.
If you would like to work on the teams please come to the Working Ultreyas
Eucharistic Adoration
The primary and fundamental element in adoration is an interior act of mind and will; the mind perceiving that God’s perfection is infinite, the will bidding us to extol and worship this perfection.
Jesus is waiting. Could you please help with adoration during these times?
Sunday 9AM; 11AM; 4PM;
Tuesday 10PM;
Thursday 4AM; 6PM;
Friday 9PM;
Saturday Midnight; 9PM.
bold hours = no adorers.
Call Carol, 582-5011 to volunteer.
The Adoration Chapel is open to all. Please feel free to stop and visit Jesus any time you would like.
“You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth.” - Exodus 20:4
Have you created idols for yourself in different shapes? An idol can be in the shape of money, sports, fashion, travel, or anything else that we value more than God and His Word to us.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute all those taking part in Soup Thursdays -- those providing soup, setting up and cleaning up as well as those donating to the poor.“Everyday-Everyway Stewards”
We are grateful this week for all steward disciples in our parish who try to share your wealth with the less fortunate.
“Our Children’s Stewardship”
Use some of these questions at dinner time to help get the conversation headed in the right direction.
- Why do we celebrate birthdays?
- Is it really better to “give than to receive”?
- Why is God happy when we give to those in need?
Collection for March 8, 2009
Regular: 19,169.08
(Needed to make budget ($16,500)
Children’s: 23.24
Ash Wednesday 60.00
School Endowment 38.00
Building Fund Report
4th Campaign Pledged $1,491,308.80
Building Fund Weekly Collection: 4,571.00
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Aaron Project
The Aaron Project, a Grief Support ministry of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, presents a 3 part
Grief Seminar called, Footprints on Our Hearts. Footprints on Our Hearts offers ways to cope with the feelings of grief, guilt, hurt, helplessness, and deep sorrow that one experiences with a loss of a child through miscarriage, stillborn or infant loss. Appropriate for families after their baby dies in the days and weeks that follow to offer encouragement, understanding and hope for the future.

Please plan to attend the next 2 sessions on March 12 and March 26 from 7-8 in St. Joseph’s Conference room.
For more info, questions or RSVP, contact Susan Hayward @ 628-2840.
There will be someone there to translate to Spanish if needed. This class is for friends as well as family of people who have lost a child. It will help you know what to say or do if this happens to someone close to you.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Love your parish
Our church is the place where we come together as a community to love and praise God. It is the holy place where we gather strength to support one another in the task of living the gospel. It is the place where we comeprivately to enter into intimate conversation with God. In this building many prodigal sons and daughters have met the merciful Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and been welcomed back to our community. In this building tears have been shed by those in pain and grief. Let’s look around our church this morning and treasure it. Respect it as you would your most prized possession and teach that respect to your children. Take ownership, if you see something wrong make sure that the staff knows about it so it can be corrected or go that extra step and help us correct it. When we pass our church, we might take the time to make a brief visit. Let us make our church even more of a holy place by adding our prayers and songs to parish worship and offering our time and talents in the various ministries.
Prayer of intercession
O Blessed Trinity, we thank you for having graced the church with Pope John Paul II and for allowing the tenderness of your fatherly care, the glory of the cross of Christ, and the splendor of the Holy Spirit, to shine through him. Trusting fully in your infinite mercy and in the maternal intercession of Mary, he has given us a living image of Jesus the Good Shepherd, and has shown us that holiness is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life and is the way of achieving eternal communion with you. Grant us, by his intercession, and according to your will, the graces we implore, hoping that he will soon be numbered among your saints.
Official prayer to ask favors through the intercession Pope John Paul II
March Birthdays
The Women of St. Joe’s invite ALL parishioners to celebrate January Birthdays with a Birthday Mass at 8:30AM on Wednesday, March 18, in the Chapel followed by Cake in the Holy Grounds Cafe.
English Handbell Festival
Fifth Annual Desert Rings English Handbell Festival, Saturday, April 25, 2009, 7 pm at Central United Protestant Church, 1124 Stevens Dr.,Richland, Washington. Local handbell choirs perform sacred and secular music demonstrating arange of performance styles. All participating choirs will join for three exciting pieces, CROWN HIM WITH MANY CROWNS, WHEN IN OUR MUSIC GOD IS GLORIFIED, and FIESTA CONCAMPANILLAS featuring latin rhythms and castinets.
Admission is free, but freewill offerings are welcome.
For more information contact: Joyce McClanahan, 375-0224, ed.mcclanahan@verizon.net
Catholics Come Home
This Week!
MARRIAGE & ANNULMENTS – an information workshop with Fr. Tom Champoux at Christ the King parish. Monday, March 9th at 7 PM in the Gathering Space of the Church (1111 Stevens Dr,Richland).
Hosted by the Catholics Come Home program, this session is open to all.
School News
A Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the elementary school lobby from March 22-27th. Parents, grandparents, and anyone interested in seeing new books, is welcome to attend. Books will be sold during the Open House on Sunday from 10:00-1:00. They may also be purchased during the week at lunch times, 12-1:00 and after school, 3:00-3:30. Wednesday and Friday are early release days so selling will be after dismissal at 12:00.
Please come and take a look.
Mom’s Group
We in the Mom’s Group encourage all mothers to join us as we seek to further develop our knowledge of our Catholic faith – and better understand Church teachings and traditions as they pertain to mothers and their families. Currently we are studying a book by Kimberly Hahn entitled Graced and Gifted. This book is a series of Bible Studies based on Proverbs 31, and it offers mothers tools to help them create a home that will be a place of beauty and peace where the needs of loved ones are met. Applying sacred Scripture, Church teaching, and pastoral wisdom, Kimberly Hahn helps mothers to explore: time management, the art of homemaking, how to make meals a time of communion, cultivating a garden, and the importance of housework. Please join us at 9:30am on Fridays, March 13, April 10, and May 15th in the basement of the old church. (We will meet during the summer months at various members’ houses). Babysitting is provided.
For more information, please call Suzie Murphy at 582-7064.

On March 1, our Parish “sent” our Catechumens and Candidates to Yakima to celebrate the Rite of Election with Bishop Sevilla. Those Catechumens declared part of the Elect were:
􀀿Richard Gilbert
􀀿Linzi Harris
􀀿Katie Kollmeyer
􀀿Rebecca Rutherford
􀀿Haley Snell
􀀿Keith Voght
Those Candidates called to Full Communion with the Church by the Bishop were:
􀀿Jennifer George
􀀿Roger Kroshus
􀀿Tom Rucker
􀀿Wendy Short
􀀿Shirley Vozzello
The Period of Purification and Enlightenment begins after the Rite of Election. The intention of this period is to intensify their desire for the Sacraments by helping them to purify their minds and hearts as well as enlightening them with a deeper knowledge of Christ. Others in this formation process are those adult baptized Catholics preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation.􀀿Ranee Coronado
􀀿Charlette Gilbert
􀀿Valerie Valdez
Adults preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in this process are:
􀀿Sanjuanita Candanoza
􀀿Stephen Snell
Please pray for these and all who are in a Sacramental preparation process. Thank you.
K of C Membership Blitz
“I know how devoted you are to God, since you did not withhold from me your own beloved son.” -
Genesis 22:12
Abraham was so devoted to God that he was willing to sacrifice his only son. How does our own devotion compare? Do we withhold time, talent and treasure from the God who sacrificed His only Son for us?
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute everyone who worked so hard to make our yard sale a SUCCESS!!!
“Everyday-Everyway Stewards”
We are grateful this week for all steward disciples in our parish who try to share our Faith with others.
“Our Children’s Stewardship”
Use some of these questions at dinner time to help get the conversation headed in the right direction.
Why doesn’t God give us everything we want?
Does God provide everything we need?
Why do you think Job trusted God?
How do you think Job felt when he realized that God always
loved him?
Can you think of good times and bad times when God’s love
for you has remained constant?
Parish Financial Stewardship Summary
Collection for March 1, 2009
(Needed to make budget ($16,500)
- 23,624.92
- 215.26
Ash Wednesday
- 5,115.00
School Endowment
- 238.00
First Offering
Weekly Collections:
- 1,562,636.29
Silver Cans
- 1,841.52
Brown Roofed Churches
- 2,283.67
- 24,621.96
- 8,816.24
Fundraisers & Other Events:
- 112,754.75
- 98,175.11
Credit Card Fees
- <9,239.15>
Total Collected
- 1,801,840.39
Creighton Model of Family Planning
The Creighton Model of Family Planning will be presented by Dr. Elma DeLeon on March 13th from 9:30-11:30AM in the Church basement, babysitting provided!
The next Mom’s Group meeting will be March 27th.
Lenten Thursday are Special
Make it a Family Affair
The offering you make for "dinner out" and "Mom's night off" will help St. Vincent de Paul feed the hungry in the area. This will work if you are able to donate the cost of the meal you would enjoy at home.
Lenten Mass and Soup Night
St. Joseph's Church and Dillon Hall
Each Thursday at 5:15 pm
It's time to plan for Soup Night on all the Thursdays of Lent. Please plan to come, bring the whole family, bread to share with others, and your soup bowl.
Soup will be provided by the following Groups:
Feb. 26 Knights of Columbus John Walker 783-4307
March 5 Mom's Group Jennifer Hickman 946-9574
Catholic Daughters Debbie Lord 942-7338
March 12 Home Schoolers Roberta Guzek 628-0954
March 19 RCIA Danette Hester 586-3864
March 26 Women of St. Joseph Kimber Keel 438-3344
April 2 St. Joseph School Kim Sheldon 586-2032
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Spanish Baptisms
There will be NO Spanish Baptisms or Baptism Classes in March.
April Spanish Baptism Classes will be held on April 15 and 22.
Eucharist Ministers Needed
Eucharist ministers needed for both evenings Masses.
5:30PM Saturday and 7PM Sunday
Please Call / Leave Name & Number
Bob Squires, (509) 947-5747
Please consider this wonderful ministry
Congratulations to Boy Scout Troop 168 who participated in the full Klondike Derby and won four ribbons for the troop flag!
Volunteer Needed
The Kennewick Food Bank is in immediate need of a driver to pick up food from Walmart on Monday and/or Friday mornings at 11AM. The time spent each day should be between 1 1/2 and 2 hours.
To Volunteer of to get information, phone Onie Rendell at 586-0688 between 9 and 11AM, Monday through Friday.
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