Wednesday, April 29, 2009


May 3- Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12; Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18
May 4- Acts of the Apostles 11:1-18; Psalm 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; John 10:1-10
May 5- Acts of the Apostles 11:19-26; Psalm 87:1b-3, 4- 5, 6-7; John 10:22-30 
May 6- Acts of the Apostles 12:24-13:5a; Psalm 17:50, 21:23; John 12:44-50
May 7- Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25; Psalm 89:2-3; 21- 22, 25 & 27; John 13:16-20
May 8- Acts of the Apostles 13:26-33; Psalm 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab; John 14:1-6
May 9- Acts of the Apostles 13:44-52; Psalm 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; John 14:7-14
May 10- Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31; Psalm 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8