“If anyone should say to you ‘Why are you doing this?’ reply, ‘The Master has need of it and will send it back here at once.’” - Mark 11:3 “Why are you doing this?” This is a question that could be asked of anyone who gives time, talent or treasure to the Church. An answer is found in the Gospel of Mark, “The Master has need of it…” We are all called to give because Our Lord has need of it.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute Jennifer Hickman for spearheading our Women ofGrace Conference. It was a great success!
Everyday-Everyway Stewards
Gratefully offer back to Our Lord the time, talent and treasure He has given to us so that we may help complete His work here on earth.
Our Children’s Stewardship
Use some of these questions at dinner time to help getthe conversation headed in the right direction.
Why does giving make us feel good?
What reward should we expect from God?
Why does God love being our only audience when we give?
Parish Financial Stewardship Summary
Collection for March 29, 2009
- Regular: 14,885.90
- (Needed to make budget ($16,500)
- Children’s: 12.00
- School Endowment 112.00
- Weekly Collections: 1,582,256.29
- Silver Cans 1,841.52
- Brown Roofed Churches 2,290.32
- Memorials 24,646.96
- Gifts 8,816.24
- Fundraisers & Other Events: 112,754.75
- Interest 98,175.11
- Credit Card Fees <9,239.15>
- Total Collected 1,821,492.04