March 29, 2009 5th Sunday of Lent
Stewardship Message“I will be their God and they shall be mypeople.” - Jeremiah 31:33 What does it mean to be God’s people? It means that first we recognize thateverything we have and everything we are truly belongsto God. It also means that we are willing to use our giftsand our lives to care for the world just as God cares for us.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute all those who made the time to attend and/or helpwith the Women of Grace Conference.
“Everyday-Everyway Stewards”
That, as God’s chosen people, we may accept and followGod’s plan for us to share our time, talent and treasurewith others.
“Our Children’s Stewardship”
Use some of these questions at dinner time to help getthe conversation headed in the right direction.
How does our giving reflect God’s love?
What if we don’t “feel” like giving?
How do we know if our giving pleases God?
Parish Financial Stewardship Summary
Collection for March 22, 2009
- - - - - - - -
Regular: | 15,648.74 |
(Needed to make budget ($16,500) | |
Children’s: | 24.19 |
School Endowment | 169.00 |
Building Fund Report | |
4th Campaign Pledged | $1,491,308.80 |
Building Fund Weekly Collection: | 3,831.00 |