Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Healed for Holiness

One day conference with Johnnette Bendovic as the keynote speaker and Father Edmond Sylvia.

When:  March 28th, 2009
Where:  St. Joseph's Dillon Hall  502 S. Garfield  Kennewick, WA  99226
Cost:  $60 -- includes lunch and materials
Check In:  8 AM
Conference begins:  9 AM
For reservations:  Jennifer at (509) 528=6455

Conference Theme:  Healed for Holiness: Mending the Wounds of the Heart

Presentations Titles:  
The Healing Sacraments
Father Edmund Sylvia, CSC
Healed for Holiness
Johnnette Benkovic
Mending the Wounds of the Heart
Johnnette Benkovic
Made New in Christ
Johnnette and Father Sylvia

Johnnette S. Benkovic is Founder and President of Living His Life Abundantly® International, Inc., a Catholic evangelization apostolate with outreaches in television, radio, print, and internet communications.  She is also Founder of Catholic Women of Grace™, an apostolate for Christian women.

After successful careers in public education and insurance sales, Johnnette experienced a deep conversion back to her Catholic faith and discerned a call to share the Gospel message through the media.  She has been a consistent presence in Catholic radio since 1987 and in Catholic television since 1988.

Johnnette is Executive Producer of The Abundant Life (seen internationally on EWTN), a television program that discusses contemporary issues from a Catholic perspective.  She is also host of Moments of Truth Live, a call-in radio talk show and Living His Life Abundantly, a 12-minute daily teaching program heard nationally on AM/FM stations and internationally via short wave radio.

In addition to being a popular conference speaker, Johnnette conducts retreats and presents seminars all over the United States. She is the author of several books including Full of Grace:  Women and the Abundant Life (Servant), Grace-Filled Moments (Our Sunday Visitor), Living the Abundant Life:  Stories of People Who Know God Personally (Servant), Experience Grace in Abundance:  Strategies For Your Spiritual Life (Our Sunday Visitor) and The New Age Counterfeit (Queenship).  Johnnette has been married to her husband, Anthony, since 1973, and is the mother of three adult children.

Women of Grace® is an outreach of Living His Life Abundantly® International, Inc. Its purpose is to encourage and affirm women in their dignity as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity. Through its conferences, programs, and curricula, Women of Grace™ seeks to authenticate the genius of women (defined by Pope John Paul II as connoting the essential nature and spirit of woman) so profoundly portrayed in the Blessed Virgin Mary.