??Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?? Potluck
Sunday, September 7th
Address: 1810 W est 23rd Ave (off Rainier St)
Kennewick, W a
Time: 4:00 PM
RSVP 586-9170
Anyone interested in joining our dinner club/or is interested in learning more about the club, please join us for a potluck dinner. Plates, utensils, cups and napkins will be provided.
??Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner?? club will be starting its 7th year. The club meets the first Sunday of each month. Several homes will host the evening and provide the entrée while guests will be assigned to bring a salad, vegetable dish, bread or dessert to one of the homes. The hosting and guest duties will rotate each time so you will have an opportunity to meet and visit with as many people possible. If you would like to learn more about the club, contact Connie Haverluk, 586-9170