Monday, September 1, 2008

EXTRA, EXTRA… Read all about it!!!!

Get your $1 ready! Kids Day is coming Tuesday, September 9th!

Kids Day is a partnership between Catholic Family & Child Service, the Tri-City Herald, Windermere, Tú Decides, Banner Bank, KEPR-TV, Gap West Broadcasting and Applebee’s, where volunteers wearing red T-shirts will be hawking a special Kids Day edition of the Tri-City Herald for $1 each on street corners all over the area. This special edition highlights prevention and intervention efforts in our area and helps pay for programs that benefit fragile children and at-risk families, including Foster Care, Child Abuse Prevention, Parenting Support and Hope Home for Pregnant Teens, among others. Kids Day provides an opportunity for local people to help local children.
Volunteers are NEEDED to help hawk newspapers from 6:30 - 10:00 am and from 3:00 – 6:00 pm. Or you can pre-order Kids Day papers today to donate to local schools or to give to your customers or clients. For more information, call Diane or Brittany at 509-946-4645…quick! It’s a lot of fun, so get a couple friends together and have at it!