Christians throughout the Tri-Cities are invited to take part in the national 40 Days for Life effort from September 24 through November 2. We are asking for prayers and fasting for God to help end abortion [so that babies don’t die and women won’t cry]. Please consider volunteering to pray outside of the Kennewick Planned Parenthood facility off N. Belfair Street (7426 W. Bonnie) for one or more hours during the 40 days by signing the statement of peace and schedule a day and time. If unable to pray at the vigil site, please consider praying during the dates of the campaign. We ask that you spread the word to others about this important lifesaving
effort. To get more information, or to volunteer to help, please contact: Mona Vallee, 727-7836 or, Pat St Hilare 582-2059 or see the volunteers in the vestibule of the Church after mass. You may contact us via email at: