If you are new to St. Joseph, we welcome you. If you would like to become a part of our Catholic Community, call the Parish Office, 586-3820 or just stop by the office. If you have a question, comment, or need to request something from the office please email to cpatnode@stjoseph-kennewick.org
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Children’s Liturgy
First Friday Mass and Blessing
Fall Yard Sale
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
parenting tools
Sunday Breakfast
"All boys and girls ages 10-14 are invited to participate in the 2008 Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge. The contest will be held on Saturday, October 4 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (during the yard sale) on the soccer field by the school. Snacks will be provided. There is no cost to participate, but parents will need to give their consent by completing and signing an entry form. Forms will be available the day of the contest. For additional information you may contact John Callan at 547-0938. Come by and put your best foot forward!"
Monday, September 22, 2008
Eucharistic Minister Class
Transportation Needed
Buy your raffle calendar.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Healed for Holiness
Johnnette S. Benkovic is Founder and President of Living His Life Abundantly® International, Inc., a Catholic evangelization apostolate with outreaches in television, radio, print, and internet communications. She is also Founder of Catholic Women of Grace™, an apostolate for Christian women.
After successful careers in public education and insurance sales, Johnnette experienced a deep conversion back to her Catholic faith and discerned a call to share the Gospel message through the media. She has been a consistent presence in Catholic radio since 1987 and in Catholic television since 1988.
Johnnette is Executive Producer of The Abundant Life (seen internationally on EWTN), a television program that discusses contemporary issues from a Catholic perspective. She is also host of Moments of Truth Live, a call-in radio talk show and Living His Life Abundantly, a 12-minute daily teaching program heard nationally on AM/FM stations and internationally via short wave radio.
In addition to being a popular conference speaker, Johnnette conducts retreats and presents seminars all over the United States. She is the author of several books including Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life (Servant), Grace-Filled Moments (Our Sunday Visitor), Living the Abundant Life: Stories of People Who Know God Personally (Servant), Experience Grace in Abundance: Strategies For Your Spiritual Life (Our Sunday Visitor) and The New Age Counterfeit (Queenship). Johnnette has been married to her husband, Anthony, since 1973, and is the mother of three adult children.
Women of Grace® is an outreach of Living His Life Abundantly® International, Inc. Its purpose is to encourage and affirm women in their dignity as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity. Through its conferences, programs, and curricula, Women of Grace™ seeks to authenticate the genius of women (defined by Pope John Paul II as connoting the essential nature and spirit of woman) so profoundly portrayed in the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Diocese of Yakima Discernment Retreat
Saturday, October 25, 2008,
at St. Aloysius Parish in Toppenish.
Additional information will be posted on this website,
www.yakimavocations.org soon.
Please save the date!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
40 Days for Life
YOU can help save lives!
This fall, from September 24 - November 2, our community will be one of more than 170 cities in 45 states joining together for the largest and longest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history -- the 40 Days for Life campaign.
40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of:
- 40 days of prayer and fasting
- 40 days of peaceful vigil
- 40 days of community outreach
We are praying that, with God's help, this groundbreaking effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city -- and throughout America.
September Birthdays
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz Mass
Sunday, September 7, 2008
RETROUVAILLE OFFERS HELP TO HURTING MARRIAGES. Couples in troubled marriages are invited to explore an option other than simply enduring their pain or getting out of their marriage. RETROUVAILLE is a Catholic program geared to rebuilding marriages that have become unloving and uncaring, or for couples who are thinking of separation or divorce, but want to try again. The next program in Spokane, Washington will begin on September 19, 2008 at the Hampton Inn/ Airport.
For more information contact Ben and Berta Garrity at 509-375-5628, or 800-470-2230, or go to www.helpourmarriage.com
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Stewardship Message
·Support our school so that we can make it affordable for families to give their children a Catholic education.
·Purchase the many supplies that are needed for our liturgies and sacraments, including religious education supplies, prayer books and hymnals.
·Landscape our grounds, remove snow and maintain our facilities, so that we always present a welcoming image to all those who may pass by this House of God
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
babysitter needed
Monday, September 1, 2008
Here are just a few foods that have the labels on them: Cheerios, Wheaties, Pillsbury products, Hamburger Helper, Gold Medal Flour, Bisquick Baking Mix and more!
Muriel Hohl
Did you know that the 1st day of Rel. Ed class is September 10th and the next Knights of Columbus breakfast is September 14th? This and more information for the school and parish are in the SJS 2008-2009 Raffle Calendars which are on sale now. They are available for sale today after Mass and also at the parish office. The first $50 weekly drawings was held on Monday, August 25th. Make sure to purchase your calendars to be eligible for all of the drawings and Bonus drawings for the year. The proceeds from the calendar sales will go towards the purchase of new playground equipment for the school.
More calendar news: last years 8th grade class turned in their drawings for the cover page of this years calendar and Rebecca Casazzas cover page was chosen.
Congratulations Rebecca!
babysitters needed
The Parish would also like to thank Mary for the generous gift of a silver tea set and platter to the Parish to be used by the Women of St. Joseph and others when we have special occasions here at St. Joe’s.
Thank -you Mary!
effort. To get more information, or to volunteer to help, please contact: Mona Vallee, 727-7836 or, Pat St Hilare 582-2059 or see the volunteers in the vestibule of the Church after mass. You may contact us via email at: 40daysforlife.kennewick@gmail.com
EXTRA, EXTRA… Read all about it!!!!
Kids Day is a partnership between Catholic Family & Child Service, the Tri-City Herald, Windermere, Tú Decides, Banner Bank, KEPR-TV, Gap West Broadcasting and Applebee’s, where volunteers wearing red T-shirts will be hawking a special Kids Day edition of the Tri-City Herald for $1 each on street corners all over the area. This special edition highlights prevention and intervention efforts in our area and helps pay for programs that benefit fragile children and at-risk families, including Foster Care, Child Abuse Prevention, Parenting Support and Hope Home for Pregnant Teens, among others. Kids Day provides an opportunity for local people to help local children.
Volunteers are NEEDED to help hawk newspapers from 6:30 - 10:00 am and from 3:00 – 6:00 pm. Or you can pre-order Kids Day papers today to donate to local schools or to give to your customers or clients. For more information, call Diane or Brittany at 509-946-4645…quick! It’s a lot of fun, so get a couple friends together and have at it!
??Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner??

??Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?? Potluck
Sunday, September 7th
Address: 1810 W est 23rd Ave (off Rainier St)
Kennewick, W a
Time: 4:00 PM
RSVP 586-9170
Anyone interested in joining our dinner club/or is interested in learning more about the club, please join us for a potluck dinner. Plates, utensils, cups and napkins will be provided.
??Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner?? club will be starting its 7th year. The club meets the first Sunday of each month. Several homes will host the evening and provide the entrée while guests will be assigned to bring a salad, vegetable dish, bread or dessert to one of the homes. The hosting and guest duties will rotate each time so you will have an opportunity to meet and visit with as many people possible. If you would like to learn more about the club, contact Connie Haverluk, 586-9170