An Exact Full-Size
Replica of the SHROUD OF TURIN will be in
Kennewick at St. Joseph Catholic Church’s Dillon Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday,
July 18th, 2017. Come and hear a free talk by Mr. Bill Wingard of
“Shroud Talks”, who has given nearly 40 of his presentations throughout the
country, and learn more about the Shroud. Is it the actual burial cloth of
Jesus Christ, or a sophisticated counterfeit? That’s one of the greatest
mysteries of our time.
Mr. Wingard
was mentored by two of the principal scientists who have extensively examined
the Shroud, and he will present the history, the science, and the Passion of
Christ as portrayed on the burial cloth, as well as the case for the Shroud’s authenticity,
so you can be the judge. Attendees are
encouraged to bring their cameras. Adults and teens are especially encouraged
to attend.
Dillon Hall
is at 520 S. Garfield St. in Kennewick. For more information, call 509 586-3820