Thursday, June 29, 2017

We Need Your Help
We currently have 15 open slots for lectors and are in need of 56 Ministers of Holy Communion. Please help us enrich our weekly worship by donating your time and talent to our Lord. For more information please call Ken Marsh 209-201-2500 or Susan Marsh 209-201-2501
We also need Ushers. Please contact Joe Gallegos at 509-521-3648 or 783-7644.


Confirmation Class Registrations

Confirmation Class Registrations
Are you 14 years of age or older? It is time to register for Confirmation classes. Please come to the Parish Office with a copy of your Baptism certificate. Confirmation classes will be every Sunday beginning September 10 from 9:00am-10:30am in school building A.


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Liturgy of the Hours- Morning Prayer

From ancient times the church has had the custom of celebrating each day the Liturgy of the Hours. In this way the church fulfills the Lord's precept to pray without ceasing, at once offering prayer of praise to God the Father and interceding for the salvation of the world. The Carmelites of the Sacred Heart, Deacon Bill and others invite you to join us in this prayer at 6:00 am in the old church Monday through Friday.


Friday, June 23, 2017

An Exact Full-Size Replica of the SHROUD OF TURIN will be in Kennewick at St. Joseph Catholic Church’s Dillon Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, July 18th, 2017. Come and hear a free talk by Mr. Bill Wingard of “Shroud Talks”, who has given nearly 40 of his presentations throughout the country, and learn more about the Shroud. Is it the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ, or a sophisticated counterfeit? That’s one of the greatest mysteries of our time.

Mr. Wingard was mentored by two of the principal scientists who have extensively examined the Shroud, and he will present the history, the science, and the Passion of Christ as portrayed on the burial cloth, as well as the case for the Shroud’s authenticity, so you can be the judge.  Attendees are encouraged to bring their cameras. Adults and teens are especially encouraged to attend.

Dillon Hall is at 520 S. Garfield St. in Kennewick. For more information, call 509 586-3820

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

All parishioners are invited to participate in our Corpus Christi Procession on Sunday, June 18th following the 11 AM Mass.  We especially hope to have represented our First Communicants (in their first communion attire), Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, the Knights, the Women of St. Joseph, all of our school families, Catholic Daughters, Serra Club, Scouts, Altar Servers, our new Catholics, and all those serving in the many ministries at our parish.
What is the purpose of carrying the Blessed Sacrament in a solemn procession ? 
   Saint John Paul II wrote in the Apostolic Letter, Mane Nobiscum Domine (Stay With Us, Lord; October 7, 2004) “Our faith in the God who took flesh in order to become our companion along the way needs to be everywhere proclaimed, especially in our streets and homes, as an expression of our grateful love and as an inexhaustible source of blessings.”     Emeritus Pope, Benedict XVI said in a homily on the Feast of Corpus Christi (2005): “In the Corpus Christi procession, we walk with the Risen One on His journey to meet the entire world.”
What am I supposed to do in a Eucharistic procession?     Accompany our Lord truly present in the Blessed Sacrament throughout the procession and honor and adore Him with our hymns and prayers.  In this way our walking with Jesus in the Eucharistic procession gives public witness to our faith that Jesus Christ is truly present with us. Our walking with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a way of announcing to the world that if Jesus can change bread and wine into His Body and Blood then He can change the lives of all men and women of goodwill.    PLEASE JOIN US