Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Passcode: W3J7DF
Bible Studies, Movies, ebooks, etc.

St. Joseph’s Parish has subscribed to, the Augustine Institute website that has a myriad of Catholic materials for our access at no cost to each of us parishioners. The materials include seven featured programs such as The Bible and the Virgin Mary, a 12-lesson journey through Scripture, and From Nothing to Cosmos, a 4-episode series by Fa. (Dr.) Robert Spitzer, S.J., eighteen full length movies such as Servant of All about Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and Mother Teresa, about a holy woman who likely will be canonized later this year, twenty e- or i-books such as Because God is Real, by Dr. Peter Kreeft, and The Ear of the Heart, by Mother Dolores Hart, O.S.B., and more than 50 audio CDs which you can listen to via the website. This is a great and painless way to further your faith journey in your own home.
If, after using any of these materials, you would like to recommend them to other parishioners, please submit to the Parish office ( a brief review of 100 words or less by Monday at noon to have it included in the next Parish Bulletin.