If you are new to St. Joseph, we welcome you. If you would like to become a part of our Catholic Community, call the Parish Office, 586-3820 or just stop by the office. If you have a question, comment, or need to request something from the office please email to cpatnode@stjoseph-kennewick.org
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults form their faith so they can be initiated into the Catholic Church. The first part of the process is called Inquiry. The next session is Monday, August 31.
Sessions will re-commence Monday, September 14, and will continue for several Mondays thereafter.
If you have wanted to know more about the Catholic Church and may be interested in becoming a Catholic, you are invited to attend.
If you are a Catholic and know someone who has expressed an interest about the Church to you, please invite them to accompany you to the sessions.
If you are a Catholic and want to know more about your the Church, RCIA is a wonderful way to update your faith.
All are welcome to attend.
All Inquiry sessions begin at 7PM in the Annex. For more information, pleased contact the Parish Office (582-3820), Danette Hester (586-3864) or Pete Braun (783-3556).