Monday, August 31, 2009

Do You Want to Read the Bible, But Don’t Know How to Begin?

If you have ever wanted to read the Bible, but did not know where or how to begin, then The Bible Timeline Parish Study is for you.  The Bible Timeline makes reading the Bible not only easy, but exciting. In this study, you will learn the major people, places, events and themes of the Bible—getting the “big picture” of salvation history. Perhaps for the first time in your life, you will understand the overview of the Bible story. This then makes your Bible reading and even the Sunday Mass readings come alive like never before.

The Bible Timeline will be offered at St. Joseph in Dillon Hall on Wednesdays from 7 - 9PM beginning October 7th.

To learn more, check the bulletin in the coming weeks.


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which interested adults form their faith so they can be initiated into the Catholic Church. The first part of the process is called Inquiry. The next session is Monday, August 31.
Sessions will re-commence Monday, September 14, and will continue for several Mondays thereafter.
If you have wanted to know more about the Catholic Church and may be interested in becoming a Catholic, you are invited to attend.
If you are a Catholic and know someone who has expressed an interest about the Church to you, please invite them to accompany you to the sessions.
If you are a Catholic and want to know more about your the Church, RCIA is a wonderful way to update your faith.
All are welcome to attend.
All Inquiry sessions begin at 7PM in the Annex. For more information, pleased contact the Parish Office (582-3820), Danette Hester (586-3864) or Pete Braun (783-3556).

Stewardship Message

“Be doers of the word and not hearers only…” - James 1:22
What do you do to live God’s word?
Do you share time and talent with your parish or those in need?
Do you support the work of the Church with the fruits from your own work?

This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute

We salute our teachers, both at our school and the public schools, as they begin a new year helping our young people to reach for their greatest potential.

“Everyday-Everyway Stewards”

Let us pray that we may not only hear God’s word, but also learn to live it every day of our lives.

Our Children’s Stewardship

Talk to your child about using their Talents by:
• Helping a new student
• Cleaning the desks, chalk boards, pews in church

Parish Financial Stewardship Summary

Collection for August 23, 2009

  • Regular: 13,308.88
    (Needed to make budget ($16,500)
  • Children’s: 14.00
  • Holy Day 105.00
  • School Endowment 231.00

Building Fund Report

  • 5th Campaign Pledges $645,949.67
  • Building Fund Weekly Collection: 3091.00

Eucharistic Adoration

Jesus is waiting. Could you please help with adoration during these times?

  • Tuesday   11AM
  • Thursday  Midnight; 4AMNoon; 4PM; 6PM
  • Friday   1AM; 6AM; 9PM
  • Saturday   9AM; 9PM; 10PM

Bold hours = no adorers.

Call Carol, 582-5011 to volunteer

This is the miracle of the Catholic Church, Emmanuel, God-with-us, not the multiplication of the loaves, but the multiplication of the Tabernacles. This glorious Presence is the center of all. It makes each Church, each Monastery, each convent a Heaven upon earth to which His tired children can come and be strengthened and be sustained by the Living Bread of God. This is the reason of His Presence in the Tabernacle. “Does This Shock You?” by Louis Kaczmarek

Time spent with Our Lord, is truly, time well spent, as you come to enjoy the peace that only Christ can give.

Sacraments for Adults

If you are an adult (18 or older) and need to make your sacraments of Penance, First Communion and/or Confirmation please contact the Parish Office to sign up for class.
English Classes:
Class with Fr. Richard will begin Sunday, September 13 at 4PM in the Annex and you will make your sacraments in the spring.
Spanish Classes:
Class with Fr. Juan will begin Thursday, September 17 after Spanish Mass in the Chapel Basement and you will make your sacraments in the spring.