Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Would you like to study scripture?

A Small Faith Group Is beginning in June
It will meet twice monthly 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month in the school library from 7 to 8:30PM.
This will be a year round prayer group. Join us! Informational meeting June 4th.
We will be studying David and the Psalms. Meet the family of David! Begins with the Book of Ruth,
and continues through 1 and 2 Samuel and The Book of Psalms.

Workbook costs $20.00
You may order from

Emmaus Road Publishing
ISBN l-93l018-375
Catholic Bible and Catechism needed.
Video lectures included by Father Joseph Ponessa, S.S.D. and Laurie Watson Manhardt, Ph.D.
Facilitated by Vicki Scheenstra,737-0647
Our first meeting will be June 4th. Come and See!