First of all, thanks to all those who participated in the fall campaign for 40 Days for Life. Overall, more than a thousand babies were saved from abortion! Each person is priceless to God. As we unite in the present campaign during Lent, (February 25 to April 5) more children will be spared. We are counting on all you good and faithful people for prayers, fasting, and being a witness for life at the actual site where abortions are performed. 40Days for Life can be a wonderful opportunity for family bonding. Scheduled during Lent, it creates a special time for families to enter into a deep commitment to defend life. To learn how you can participated, please contact any one of the following people:
Jennifer Darner 946-9408,
Debbie Lord 374-1849,
Ramona Vallee 582-8621,
Winnie Zeamer 943-9991,
Dave Ballard 627-7101, or
Denise Fulwyler 783-8685.