All 3 evenings will begin at 7PM.
Paul is one of the most powerful healing preachers in the country and well sought after. Here is a note from Paul: As an introduction to you, I want youto be aware that I am NOT a Priest. I am NOT a Deacon, I am NOT even a Eucharistic Minister…I just want you to understand that I am just a common, ordinary person much like yourself…I have NO gifts…I have NO special powers…I am NOT CHOSEN…and I have no SPECIAL PIPELINE, TO GOD, that gets my prayers there faster than yours, and I even get into heated discussion with charismatic people and even clergy, who tell me I shouldn’t say things like that. But, you see, I don’t feel these things, because if you knew me when I was a younger man, between 25 and35, you would understand, because my life was so BAD, I most ashamedly admit, to all of you, that I broke every commandment….all TEN of them. I feel that I am a walking testimony to the fact that, NOT only is there a Jesus that FORGIVES, but if you take this one step further into the beauty of my Catholic Faith, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, if you go into the Confessional with a REPENTANT heart…and that’s the secret…as soon as the priest says, “I absolve you of your sins…” not only does Jesus forgive…but He FORGETS what you’ve done, and if he didn’t do that, I couldn’t do, what it is that I do.
Now, I could talk to you for hours about the things thatI see Jesus do in the Healing services that I conduct..the eyesights coming back, hearing restored, people getting up out of wheelchairs, people writing me months later telling me that after our prayers together, their Cancers, or a host of other diseases, have been cured, and the list goes on, and on and on, but that is NOT the only Healing that can be obtained, from Christ.
Some of you, right now, might be burdened with amultitude of other things. Are you about to lose your HOUSE or CAR…are you having FINANCIAL difficulties….Is your MARRIAGE in trouble…have you experienced loss death or divorce…do your KIDS not go to church…are your grandchildren not baptised…or is life just dealing you CRUEL blows, and maybe so bad that you cry yourself to sleep at night? These are the things that Jesus wants to help you with, also.
Healing can come on Four main levels PYHSICAL….MENTAL…EMOTIONAL….and the most important of all….SPIRITUAL. Which area are you seeking help in?
I guess, I am SIMPLY trying to convey, to you, that this is between you and Our Lord. I want you to experience JESUS in all ways. I DO NOT want you to remember Paul Rymniak, the messenger. I want you to remember the messages that you find with Christ. It is NOT important who tells you about Jesus, it only matter that you get to know HIM on a personal level, and that is all I try to accomplish in my MINISTRY.