- What does the word, blessing, mean?
- What does it mean to honor God?
- Why is it important for Christians to honor God?
- Is there a blessing that you have received from God that you have not been using?
- How can you begin to use this blessing and bring God honor?
- What actions can you take to help others understand that God blesses us so that we may use those blessings to help others?
If you are new to St. Joseph, we welcome you. If you would like to become a part of our Catholic Community, call the Parish Office, 586-3820 or just stop by the office. If you have a question, comment, or need to request something from the office please email to cpatnode@stjoseph-kennewick.org
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Our Children’s Stewardship
Use some of these questions at dinner time to get the conversation headed in the right direction.