Friday, October 31, 2008


What’s happening in RCIA? The period of Inquiry began
in August. Persons expressing an interest in our Catholic
faith continue to attend these question and answer sessions.
At this part of the RCIA journey, the Inquirers are trying to
recognize the beginnings of a spiritual life and identify an
intention to change their lives. They are trying to define
their relationship to God in Christ? Do they turn to God in
prayer? How is God calling them to change? Discernment
means to “separate out,” to “recognize what is different.”
In the RCIA, it is the process of awakening to God’s
invitation, His love and building an intimate relationship
with Him through Jesus in the Catholic Church. Please
pray for our Inquirers that they will distinguish what is
different in their lives and see God leading them to full
participation in the Church.