Friday, October 31, 2008

School News

St. Joseph School in Kennewick, Washington, is looking for alumni.
The 8th Grade Class is researching the history and the people who made St. Joseph School great in the past.
If you, a relative, or someone you know is an alumni of St. Joseph School in Kennewick,
please contact us at (509) 586-0481 or .

Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Special Mass

A Mass for the special inclusion of persons with mental or physical disabilities, hearing or visual impairments, and families and friends will be celebrated at Parish of the Holy Spirit, Kennewick, on Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 9:30AM with Pastor Perron Auve, as celebrant.

The Mass, in English, will be followed by coffee, juice and cookies.

For information, contact, Rita Warren, 783-8886.

Call to Stewardship:

We need someone to take a once a month turn to wash and iron the altar linens for the parish.

If you can help with this ministry please call the parish office, 586-3820


Gentlemen, give the special young lady/ladies in your life an evening that will spark wonderful memories for years to come.

Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, bring her to the Eighth Annual Father/Daughter Snowflake Ball on Saturday, December 6, 2008, 7:00-9:00 PM, at the St. Frances X. Cabrini Catholic Church Social Hall in Benton City. This social event of the year is open to young ladies ages toddler to 18.
Tickets are only $10.00 per person and includes corsages, door prizes, music, and a picture for each young lady.
We have sold out of tickets each year, therefore make your reservations today!

Call Nancy at 588-3176 or Lynda at 588-4235.


Wednesday, November 12th, 7 to 9pm, St Aloysius, O’Malley Hall, 330 E Boone Ave, Spokane.
Learn more about this form of modern day slavery and what you can do to help stop the demand.

Our featured speaker will be trafficking survivor Rani Hong.
Presented by the Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center.
Co-sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Spokane. – 206-223-1138.


The Knights of Columbus will once again this year have religious Christmas cards available that depict what Christmas is all about—
The Birth of Christ”.
Order sheets are available in the Church foyer.
Religious cards will be sold after all Masses starting November 1 & 2, 2008 until December 13 & 14, 2008 or until the supply is exhausted. Don’t delay; get your religious cards now. If you want to place an order, drop the order sheet at the Parish office or call John Walker at 783-4307.

School Raffle Calendar Winner

Selena & Brad Emmert

Thank You!

The family of Mark Massart wishes to thank all for
their prayers, Masses offered, and condolences on his
passing. Memorial Mass and reception were much
appreciated. George and Marjorie Massart.


SPUDS and SUDS anyone?
Its that time of year for a great time! This year Spuds and Suds will be November 7th with dinner starting @ 6:00pm and music @ 8:00PM. This event (for adults only) will be held in Dillon Hall with admission being $20.00 at the door. Prior to the event tickets are on sale for $15.00. Be sure and see the flyers around the school and in the parish office. Last years event was so much fun!! YOU should really plan to attend.


What’s happening in RCIA? The period of Inquiry began
in August. Persons expressing an interest in our Catholic
faith continue to attend these question and answer sessions.
At this part of the RCIA journey, the Inquirers are trying to
recognize the beginnings of a spiritual life and identify an
intention to change their lives. They are trying to define
their relationship to God in Christ? Do they turn to God in
prayer? How is God calling them to change? Discernment
means to “separate out,” to “recognize what is different.”
In the RCIA, it is the process of awakening to God’s
invitation, His love and building an intimate relationship
with Him through Jesus in the Catholic Church. Please
pray for our Inquirers that they will distinguish what is
different in their lives and see God leading them to full
participation in the Church.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mass Comemorating Day of the Dead

A Mass will be held at Calvary Cemetery in Yakima at 1405 South 24th Ave, on Monday, November 3, 2008 at 10:00AM in memory of all our departed loved ones. The Mass will be held outdoors in front of the mausoleum. Everyone is welcome. Hot chocolate and Mexican breads will be served afterwards.

Donations for Thanksgiving Feast

The Thanksgiving Feast, November 27th, hosted by the Holy Angels’ Homeschool group is just around the corner. Your very generous donations last year were greatly appreciated. I would like to get a jump start on the nonperishables.  We are in need of 15 bags/boxes of bread crumbs, 6 cans of cranberry sauce, 8 containers of powdered strawberry/lemonaid mix, 200 napkins, 1 large can of coffee, 2 boxes of large baggies. You can drop your donation off at the parish office. Thank you for helping to make this community service project possible. 

God bless, Roberta Guzek

Thursday, October 16, 2008


ST. MONICA’S ALTAR SOCIETY is sponsoring the Christmas Bazaar, Saturday,Oct. 25, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Please bring baked goods and handmade and like-new items to the hall 6:30-8:00 PM Friday or by 9:00 AM Saturday.  We also need help with the Altar Society table and in the kitchen. Please sign the work sheet in the church entry. Contact Marilyn with questions.


You are welcome to attend the Masses held at Hawthorne Court Retirement Home (the 2nd Tuesday of the month), Legacy House (3rd Tuesday of the month) and/or Canyon Lakes Center (the 4th Tuesday of the month) at 10AM. Sometimes the later Mass time makes it easier to attend a daily Mass. If you would like more information, please call the Parish Office, 586-3820.

FYI -- the 6:30AM Daily Mass is held in the convent during the School year except on First Fridays.

St. Joseph's School Alumni

St. Joseph’s School is putting together a list of alumni from St. Joseph’s School. If you know of a past graduate from SJS who would like to be included on our list, feel free to give the school a call @ 586-0481

Tri-Cities Prep, a Catholic High School

Tri-Cities Prep, a Catholic High School, will be hosting several information nights during the week of October 20th. 
These sessions are open to anyone who has questions or would just like to learn more about this growing Catholic High School.  Parents of 7th and 8th graders, whether home schooled or attending public or private middle school are especially encouraged to attend! Students are welcome to attend with their parents.  All sessions begin at 7pm and will last no more than one hour.

Monday, October 20 (for St. Patrick’s) at TCPrep - room 102, just off Road 100 in Pasco

Tuesday, October 21 at St. Joseph’s School, Kennewick

Wednesday, October 22 at Christ the King School

Call Tri-Cities Prep at 547-2465 if you have questions or would like to schedule a personal meeting.

The Invisble Chapel

A special program on immigration will be presented in the gathering space at 
Christ the King Church
1111 Stevens Dr.
Richland, WA 
on Wednesday, October 22, 7:30 p.m. 

The program will begin with the beautiful half-hour documentary film “The Invisble Chapel” — the story of a migrant chapel that remained hidden in San Diego for 20 years, where parish volunteers held Mass every Sunday and provided humanitarian assistance for impoverished migrant workers. Encroaching residential development eventually led to discovery of the chapel, conflict with neighbors, and demolition of the no-longer-invisible place of worship.  

Immigration attorney Tom Roach will relate the film to the local Tri-Cities situation and then respond to audience questions. This free special program is open to all interested persons.

Mid-Columbia Mastersingers

The Mid-Columbia Mastersingers (formerly Consort Columbia) will present their first concerts of the season entitled ¡Fiesta de la Música Coral Latinoamericana!, celebrating the music and folk traditions of Latin America, on Sunday October 19 at 3PM at St.Patrick’s Church in Pasco and on Monday October 20 at 7PM at St. Joseph’s Church in Kennewick. Featured on the program is the Misa Criolla by Ariel Ramírez, a Spanish setting of the liturgical mass. For more information, call 943-ARTS or go to

Healing the Culture: A New Vision for Life

Healing the Culture: A New Vision for Life
November 6-8, 2008
Hilton Bellevue · Seattle, Washington

Mark your calendar for the pro-life event of the year!

On November 6-8, 2008, join Father Robert Spitzer, Camille De Blasi Pauley, and other nationally acclaimed speakers and guest celebrities at the 2008 Healing the Culture Conference in beautiful Seattle, Washington.  Hailed in 2006 (Vancouver, British Columbia) as “one of the most important and useful pro-life conferences,”  Healing the Culture is bringing our power-packed, 2-day national conference to the world-class Hilton Bellevue Conference Center, near Seattle.

This important event will include:
  ·Cutting-edge pro-life training and education,
  ·Nationally acclaimed speakers and guest celebrities,
  ·Generous time for networking and visiting the Exhibits Expo,
  ·All meals and refreshments, including the Grand Ballroom Banquet,
  ·Accommodations at the Hilton Bellevue.

Conference Fee
Full conference and banquet Includes admission to conference, all keynotes and workshops, reception, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, conference booklet, registration materials, and Saturday night gala banquet. $229.00

More Info or to register:  1-425-481-6563

Calendar Raffle Winner

This Week’s $50 Calendar Raffle Winner:
Maryann Lampert

The 2008-2009 Calendars are available to
purchase until October 31, 2008.

Mass of the Anointing

Thursday, October 30, is the next “Mass of the Anointing,”1:00 PM in the Church.

Anyone may attend Mass, and those whoknow of anyone eligible to be anointed are encouraged to bring him/her to Mass if they have no transportation.

Conditions necessary for anointing are as follows:
1. Anyone who has reached the age of reasonand has a potentially serious condition.
2. Anyone who has reached the age of reasonand is seriously sick. This does not mean asick person has to be close to death, butprecludes a headache, or mild case of the flu.
3. Anyone who will undergo surgery to correct a serious condition. 

This is not merely a blessing, but a Sacrament and is to be received by a Catholic who is in the state of grace. Those under 65 years of age and in good health should NOT be anointed.


November 6 at 7PM
Conference Room of Church
Please be sure to come to this meeting.
We will be nominating new officers and going over other important information

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rummage Sale

Parish of the Holy Spirit 
7409 W. Clearwater
is holding their fall rummage sale on 
Friday October 10, from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM and 
Saturday, October 11, from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Religious Ed News

Our religious education classes have started and we are taking registrations through September 30th at the parish office.
Elementary classes:  Wednesdays 4-5:30PM
Middle school and High school classes:  Sundays 9-10:30AM
All Classes are at St. Joseph’s School building.

Adult Communion and Confirmation Adult Communion and Confirmation classes with Father Richard are on Sunday at 4PM in the Annex. Please register in the parish office for this class.  Any adult wanting to learn more about their Faith is also invited to attend these classes.


Cursillos will be held in Benton City - October 9-12, 2008 for the Men and October 16- 19, 2008 for the Women.

United Way Participants

Did you know you can name St. Joseph School or St. Joseph Building Fund to receive your contribution?  By designating your causes you determine what the donation you are giving supports

Call to Stewardship

Do you have a talent for furniture refinishing?  Would you like to help create a great auction item for this year’s Art & Wine fundraiser?  We need your help!  Please call Sarah Pedersen at 582-9708 as soon as possible. 
Thank you!!

baby sitter needed

The Mom’s Group is looking for a caring, responsible person to babysit children during our weekly meetings.  This is a paid position.  Ifyou are interested, please contact Wendy Nuxoll at 582-0451.

Fall Yard Sale:

The Women of St. Joseph Yard Sale could use your help.  Yard Sale setup will begin Sept. 28th through Oct. 2nd, from 8:30AM to5:00PM.  The Yard Sale will be Friday, Oct. 3rd, from 8:00AM to 5:00PM and Saturday, Oct. 4th from 8:00AM to 6:00PM. Please contact Joyce at 734-4714 to schedule your time.  The Yard Sale is a huge fundraiser for the Women of St. Joseph. The funds made not only go towards the Parish altar supplies and equipment, but go towards the cost of the new Childrens Wing and Nursery. If everyone in the Parish just gave one hour of service toward this event it would make light work for everyone. Remember, your time counts toward school service hours if you need them.

Prayer Chains

Our Prayer Chains havebeen very busy with prayer requests lately. They have been doing a great job with wonderful results. We want to invite you to be apart of this wonderful stewardship activity in our parish.  We have two types of prayer chains -- phone tree lines and an email prayer line. With the phone tree you geta call with the pray request, phone the request on and then pray for the request.  With the email request you receive an email and you pray for the request.

Would you like to join either of our Prayer Chains?  
If you would like to join the phone tree chain, call the parish office with your name and number.  If youwould like to join the email chain, email me at with “prayer chain” in subject line.

Parents and Grandparents

Want to learn ways in which to raise children to their FULL potential, and have a household free of arguing and conflict?

The Drew Bledsoe Foundation’s very entertaining and popular 9-hour video series will make you laugh andcry, and is full of simple yet profoundly effective parenting tools for ages 1-18. Some of what Parents and Grandparents will learn are how to raise children to

• Live their full potential – spiritually, emotionally, socially, academically
• Overcome today’s culture of sex, drugs, violence, and apathy

As well as how to
• Eliminate problems with discipline
• Build or repair parent/child relationships
• Have a household free of arguing and conflict

Instructor: Mark Murphy, and local Christian professionals on childhood development
Fee: Donations accepted
When: Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 PM. Preview Oct. 7, Main course starting Oct. 14.
Where: Dillon Hall
Children welcome. 
Call Mark at 845-2092 for information.

The Aaron Project

The Aaron Project delivers baskets to those families who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillborn or infant loss. To keep this ministry alive and going, we still need your continued support, prayers and donations. Please drop off any items and/or monetary donations at the parish office. If anyone is in need of a “Comfort Basket,” please call Susan Hayward @ 628-2840. 

More information on the Aaron Project and the “Wish List” can be found in the foyer of the church by the Rosebud Ministry.

Catholic Family & Child Services

Did you know Catholic Family & Child Services
provides maternity counseling services at no cost, to
women facing an unplanned pregnancy.
They are now accepting inquiries from families
i nterested in adopting domestically or internationally.
Call 965-7100 or 1-800-246-2962 for more
information for either of these subjects.
All Faiths Served

Guitar Player wanted

If you play the guitar and would like to be part of a musical group for Masses, please contact Terry Ogden, 628-0282, or Susan Miller, 586-3820