Year of St. Paul
(notice from the Bishop’s office)
Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has designated this year, beginning last month on the Vigil of St. Peter and Paul, the 28th of June, as a special "Year of St. Paul" to mark the 2000th anniversary of his birth. He has also granted a plenary indulgence to all who make a pilgrimage to a Church, which bears the name of St. Paul under the usual conditions of Confession, the reception of the Eucharist and prayers for the Pope’s intentions.
Our Cathedral is the only church in the diocese named after this great apostle to the Gentiles and the Church’s greatest evangelizer. During this year all weekend Masses celebrated at our Cathedral will include a special reference for St. Paul and intercessions under his patronage and we invite you to encourage your people to make individual or group pilgrimages to our Cathedral to participate in one of these celebrations (5:30PM Saturday and 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00AM, 1:00PM Spanish and 7:00PM Life Teen). For Holyday schedules, please contact the parish office. Participation in any religious function or pious exercise honoring St. Paul during this Pauline Year at holy places named for St. Paul is a condition for receiving the special indulgence.
The St. Paul parish also offers Bible Studies on Thursday afternoons, September – April on the "writings and journeys of St. Paul." A special dramatic presentation by Mark Price "In the Words of St. Paul" will also be presented on Wednesday evening, October 29th at 7:00PM in the Church. (As you know: a special pilgrimage "In the Footsteps of St. Paul" is also planned for October).