Wednesday, July 30, 2008

is a
Holy Day of Obligation

Masses all in the New Church
English Masses:
6:30, 8:30AM
12:05, & 6:00PM
Spanish Mass:

Monday, July 28, 2008

School Raffle Calendars
are now available
at the Parish office.
You could be the
first $50.00 weekly
Calendars are $20.00
Profits benefit the projects
supported by the PTO
Parish Mission

Aug 11th-14th Monday-Thursday
Morning Mission
School of the Spiritual Life
Bring Bible, Notebook and Pen

Evening Mission
Potluck 5pm-6pm
6pm-7pm Message (Child care)
7pm-8pm Adoration and Prayer for Healing

Couples Dinner and Prayer: Fri, Aug 8th 6:30-8:30pm Married & engaged couples
A romantic evening which will open your eyes to a deeper understanding of the Sacrament of Matrimony, thus causing you to all the more fall in love with the one your Father in heaven created just for you.
Sign up at the back of the Church or call the office by Wednesday, Aug 6th.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast Saturday, Aug 9th, 9am-11am.
A challenging, hard hitting message of why is Islam growing so fast amongst young men and what we can offer as Catholic men.
Sign up at the back of the Church or call the office by Wednesday, Aug 6th.
Children’s Jamboree (k-5th grade) – Parents Invited Sat, Aug 9th, 11am-Noon Through song, exciting stories, Brendan will teach the children how to sit before the Blessed Sacrament and listen for the voice of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
Women’s Prayer Luncheon, Saturday, Aug 9th, 12noon-2pm.
Enjoy the presence of the Lord and how to grow in God’s presence.
Sign up at the back of the Church or call the office by Wednesday, Aug 6th.
Ministry to the Adoration Ministry - Sunday, Aug 10th, 10am-12noon. - Chapel
Through prayer and teaching learn how to go deeper in your Adoration time and
become conformed to Jesus, the Intercessor.

Middle School Rally (6th-8th grade) Sunday, Aug 10th 4:30pm-6:30pm.
An intense time of fun, crazy stories and the presence of God.
High School Rally (9th-12th grade) Sunday, Aug 10th, 7pm-9pm.
Be challenged through amazing stories of God’s power to step up to the Cross.
Widowed and Widower Luncheon - Wednesday, Aug 13th, 11am-1pm.
Broaden your vision of God’s call for your place in the Church.
Sign up at the back of the Church or call the office by Wednesday, Aug 6th.
Parish Mission Week
Aug 8th-14th

Beginning Aug 8th our parish will experience an intense week of prayer, inspirational talks, music and fellowship as we come together for a Parish Mission.
You will not want to miss this! There are many different activities scheduled
throughout the week for all ages
What is a “Parish Mission”?
A parish mission is a week consecrated and set aside to draw near to the Lord through repentance, prayer and study both at the church and at home.
How can you help make this mission a success?
• Pray and fast for our parish and for the success of this mission!
• Make a commitment to be at as many of these mission events as possible!
• Bring friends – they will not be disappointed!
• Reach out and invite others who need a spiritual re-awakening!
• Call the Parish Office if you can volunteer to help with hospitality, fellowship, or childcare.

Who will be presenting this Mission?
Brendan Case is a Catholic lay-missionary who has been traveling the US since 1996 presenting
powerful, life-changing retreats where the presence of God is so rich that the hardest hearts are
softened as God’s power moves through His people. As a strong, dynamic, and insightful teacher of the Word of God, Brendan has produced over 120 teaching tapes and study guides to feed Catholics who are hungry to understand the Bible. At Parish Retreats, nights of renewal, and prayer groups, Brendan, with guitar in hand, leads believers into the presence of God, releasing a greater in-filling of the Holy Spirit, Prophetic word, and both spiritual and physical healings. Brendan, a husband and father of five relates the story of how 10 years ago, when this ministry started, God asked Him to give away all that he possessed promising “If you take care of my house, I will take care of yours.” Brendan adamantly states, “No one can argue with me if God is real. It’s simple; if God is not real my kids won’t eat today. I know He’s real and that He’s my Father!” When asked what he hopes and prays for people who attend the mission, Brendan replied, “Do I have faith that people will be healed at the missions? Yes, and they will. Do I pray that struggling marriages will be restored at the missions? Yes, and they will. Do I believe that broken hearts will be mended at the missions? Yes, and they will. But, above all, I pray that every single soul comes to know that they have a Father in heaven who loves them and wants to help them live the most fulfilling life. This is my heart’s desire!"
STEM CELL RESEARCH & CLONING: What Every Catholic Ought to Know.
Rebecca Taylor, a clinical laboratory specialist from Spokane, will be speaking on Thursday, August 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the gathering space at Christ the King parish. Sponsored by Theology on Tap but open to all ages. Admission is free. For more info, contact Maria St. Hilaire at 582-2059 or
Year of St. Paul
(notice from the Bishop’s office)

Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has designated this year, beginning last month on the Vigil of St. Peter and Paul, the 28th of June, as a special "Year of St. Paul" to mark the 2000th anniversary of his birth. He has also granted a plenary indulgence to all who make a pilgrimage to a Church, which bears the name of St. Paul under the usual conditions of Confession, the reception of the Eucharist and prayers for the Pope’s intentions.
Our Cathedral is the only church in the diocese named after this great apostle to the Gentiles and the Church’s greatest evangelizer. During this year all weekend Masses celebrated at our Cathedral will include a special reference for St. Paul and intercessions under his patronage and we invite you to encourage your people to make individual or group pilgrimages to our Cathedral to participate in one of these celebrations (5:30PM Saturday and 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00AM, 1:00PM Spanish and 7:00PM Life Teen). For Holyday schedules, please contact the parish office. Participation in any religious function or pious exercise honoring St. Paul during this Pauline Year at holy places named for St. Paul is a condition for receiving the special indulgence.
The St. Paul parish also offers Bible Studies on Thursday afternoons, September – April on the "writings and journeys of St. Paul." A special dramatic presentation by Mark Price "In the Words of St. Paul" will also be presented on Wednesday evening, October 29th at 7:00PM in the Church. (As you know: a special pilgrimage "In the Footsteps of St. Paul" is also planned for October).

Friday, July 11, 2008

Theology on Tap (for young adults college-aged - 30s) will meet Thursday, July 17 at 7 p.m. at Ice Harbor Brewing Co. Robert & Lana Chmura will be speaking on "Under Fire: The Persecution of the Church in the Ukraine". For more details, contact Maria St. Hilaire at or 582-2059 (after 6:00 p.m.)

Resurrection Parish Festival
Sunday, July 20, 2008
12:00 Noon to 5:00 pm
704 Schooley Road, Zillah, WA
All residents of the Yakima Valley are invited to attend the annual Resurrection Parish Festival, located on the grounds of the Zillah Catholic Church of the Resurrection at 704 Schooley Road. The festival will run from 12:00 noon until 5:00 pm. This is a family friendly event and will be bilingual hosted in both English and Spanish. Join us for great food, music, door prizes, booths, contests, inflatable jumpers, dunking booth and much more including a free health screening booth. There is no admission charge to attend the Festival.
In addition, if you have a musical group and would like to donate your talents and be showcased on the stage during the Festival, please contact the Rectory Office at 509-829-5433.
If you have any questions, please contact the Festival Coordinators, Mario and Blanca Rodriquez at 509-829-5433 or email
St Joseph’s will be hosting a Parish Mission Week, Aug 8th-14th. A Parish Mission is a retreat for all ages of the parish, meaning there will be events for children, Jr High teens, High School teens, adults, a Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Women’s Luncheon, a Dinner for married and engaged couples, a luncheon for Widows and Widowers. Brendan Case is the mission leader. Brendan is a dynamic, powerful preacher of the Word of God. As your pastor I am asking that you sacrifice your time to attend this mission so that we can grow together as the people of God. See the bulletin for more information.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

School Raffle Calendars
are now available
at the Parish office.
You could be the
first $50.00 weekly winner!!!
Calendars are $20.00
Profits benefit the projects
supported by the PTO

FREE CONCERT Friday, July 11 at Christ the King.

FREE CONCERT Friday, July 11 at Christ the King. Eric Meyer will be performing songs off of his CD Graceful Ruckus from 6:30-8:00PM in the Gathering Space. This concert is geared for families with children ages 12 and under; however all are invited. Children will need to have adult supervision at all times. Eric has sung here and at Christ the King prior to moving to Arizona. Come on out and enjoy an evening of praise.

Vocation Discernment Live-In Weekend

Single women age 18 and older are invited to a Vocation Discernment Live-In Weekend hosted by the Sisters of Providence, August 22nd, 7 p.m. through August 24th, 2 p.m. at Mt. St. Joseph, 9 East Ninth Ave., Spokane, WA. There is no charge for the weekend, which includes free meals and lodging. For info and registration, contact Sr. Judy George at 509-474-2323 or Sr. Clare Lentz, 206-923-4028, or email
SOLOS (singles over 45): Friday, July 11th — Dinner and a play! Meet at Magills in Pasco for dinner at 6 PM. Call Jack at 946-8360 for reservation count. The play is the Stephen Sondheim musical Assassins at CBC and starts at 8 PM. Call Kay (946-1154 x 222) for ticket information.
Young Adults (single or married, 20’s and 30’s) meet at Christ the King Church (1080 Long St, Richland) on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each summer month at 7 PM, alternating with Theology on Tap on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at Ice Harbor Brewing Co. in Kennewick. Newcomers are always welcome!! Questions? Call Kay 946-1154 x 222