Monday, March 27, 2017

Program Manager - St. Joseph's Children's Center, Kennewick, WA
St. Joseph's School is accepting applications for Program Manager for the Children's Center. Candidate must have required Early Childhood Education credits. Apply through: or at 509-586-0481

Monday, March 20, 2017

Celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph

Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Joseph, husband of Mary. The Bible pays Joseph the highest compliment: he was a “just” man. The quality meant a lot more than faithfulness in paying debts.

When the Bible speaks of God “justifying” someone, it means that God, the all-holy or “righteous” one, so transforms a person that the individual shares somehow in God’s own holiness, and hence it is really “right” for God to love him or her. In other words, God is not playing games, acting as if we were lovable when we are not.

By saying Joseph was “just,” the Bible means that he was one who was completely open to all that God wanted to do for him. He became holy by opening himself totally to God. 

The just man was simply, joyfully, wholeheartedly obedient to God—in marrying Mary, in naming Jesus, in shepherding the precious pair to Egypt, in bringing them to Nazareth, in the undetermined number of years of quiet faith and courage.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Come join us March 25th for the annual All you can eat Crab Feed. This will take place at Parish Dillon Hall, tickets available at the School or Parish office.
Remember all the proceeds benefit our St Joseph Catholic School.

Monday, March 13, 2017

TODAY!!! Lenten Penance Services 2017
March 13th (Mon.) │New Church │7:00 PM│ St. Joseph, Kennewick
April 3 (Mon.) │7:00 p.m. │Christ the King, Richland│ 1111 Stevens Dr, Richland,
April 5 (Wed.) │7:00 p.m.│ St. Patrick, Pasco (English) │ 1320 W Henry St, Pasco,
April 6 (Thur.)│ 6:00 p.m. │St. Patrick, Pasco (Spanish) │ 1320 W Henry St, Pasco,
April 10 (Mon.)│ 7:00 p.m.│ Parish of the Holy Spirit │ 7409 W Clearwater Ave, Kennewick

Friday, March 10, 2017

   A Lenten Prayer
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tip for Lent #1:
Be Wholehearted
We are officially into Lent, and in this first week, it is still early enough to set (or re-set if need be) our direction for this beautiful season. For each week of Lent, our Tuesday Strength for the Week newsletters will offer one practical tip for living a fruitful Lent.

Tip #1 is the Lord’s invitation to us on Ash Wednesday: “Return to me with your whole heart!” (Joel 2:12) “With your whole heart” means choosing to enter decisively into this season of Lent. I’ve heard Lent called “a retreat for the whole Church.” Some people might groan when they hear the word “retreat,” but for me, a retreat is like a spiritual birthday party in which:
1) we come to spend quality time with the Friend who loves us most,
2) we find that the Friend is hosting a surprise party for us, and
3) our Friend gives us a stack of wrapped gifts.

Turning to God or making time for God is the best way we can enter into Lent, and it’s also how we can become more receptive to God. God responds to our openness by giving us special gifts. We can unwrap the gifts, appreciate them, and put them to good use. Or we can be unappreciative guests: we can come late to our own party, leave the gifts unwrapped, or even unwrap the gifts but leave them unexamined in our closet.

Lent has arrived at just the right moment for me because, in a world that is more than ever haunted by division and suffering, I need the reminder that Saint Francis de Sales shares with us this week: God doesn’t abandon us. Instead, he sends his only Son to be with us, even in the most difficult of moments, bringing the gifts of grace, love, and peace.

I pray that you may wholeheartedly receive God's gifts to you this Lent. 
God bless,
Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP

Monday, March 6, 2017

We would like to welcome Rev. Deacon David Olsen to St Joseph Parish

Deacon David Olsen was ordained a Permanent Deacon by Archbishop Alexander Brunett in November 2007 at St. James Cathedral in Seattle. Deacon Olsen was first assigned to St. James Cathedral, and then to St. Paul’s on the Swinomish Reservation in La Conner. He has also served at St. Joseph in Issaquah and Christ Our Hope in downtown Seattle.

David and his wife Reeny, have been married 34 years and have 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren. They recently moved to the Tri-cities to be closer to their 2 daughters and grandkids, and a little bit closer to their son and daughter-in-law in Chicago.

Deacon Olsen is very grateful to Bishop Tyson for assigning him to St. Joseph’s and is looking forward to assisting Fr. Vasquez and ministering in the St. Joseph community. His heart is to share God’s merciful love, manifest through His Son Jesus Christ, to those most in need.

Pope Francis Prays

Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing,
so that your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor,
proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed,
and restore sight to the blind.
Mass and Soup nights
Image may contain: text

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thank you!
We would like to give the Art & Wine Committee, staff, families, donors and all volunteers a HUGE THANK YOU for all of their hard work, dedication and generosity for making Art & Wine an incredible success!
This year’s event raised $78,750.43 for the school! This includes our “Fund a Need” bidding round. We had a goal of $15,600 to purchase 60 chrome books, but we EXCEEDED that total and raised $17,090-enough for 65 Chrome books for our students!

Did you know?  Art & Wine is our school’s biggest fundraiser!


Visit us at  & like us on Faceboo

Catholic Faith Challenge
The 1st Catholic Faith Challenge is almost upon us! Please support our middle schoolers as they show us their knowledge of our faith in trivia style competition against other regional middle schoolers! The CFC is looking for snack donations of individually wrapped candy, chips and other snacks, plus bottled water for our March 18th Challenge!  Please drop by the school or parish office!


Healing of the Family Tree Novena
The Healing of the Family Tree Prayers and Novena, also known as Ancestral Healing, will begin at the 7:00pm Marian Mass on Tuesday, March 7th. The introductory prayers will be conducted by Fr. Daniel Steele.  This is an opportunity to pray for ancestors both living and dead and to pray to break physical, emotional and psychological bonds and family disorders that have been passed down through family generations.  The novena prayers will be available at the church on Tuesday evening March 7th or at the parish office. The Mass for ancestral healing will be on Tuesday, April 4th at 7pm.


St Joseph current and future project meeting
You are cordially invited to join us Thursday, March 16th at 6:00 pm at the Parish (Dillon) Hall. We will have an update on the building project and a small group reflection of the current and future needs of Saint Joseph Parish. There will be sign up sheets at the foyer, please indicate name and how many will attend. This will help us prepare for refreshments. If you have any questions please call the Parish office. Thank you


Stations of the Cross
Friday’s during Lent
English at 6:00 pm
Spanish at 7:00 pm in the NC
The stations are a place to wait with Jesus, meet with Jesus and talk with Jesus.




As a parish community, we gather to share a simple meal of soup and bread of Thursdays during Lent. We start with Mass at 5:15pm in the OC, followed by delicious soup in the Parish Hall.  It is an opportunity to remember those who go without a meal on a regular basis, as well as to unite as one group with a common purpose. Guests are invited to come with family, friends and please bring your own bowl. Spoons, cups and napkins will be supplied. HOW TO GET INVOLVED: We are in need of soup and bread each Thursday.  Those who wish to bring soup can call Debbie 222-8805 or the Parish Office 586-3820.  Soup can be made at home and brought to the Parish Hall kitchen by 4:30pm.  The participating ministry's are as follows: March 2 Women of St Joseph

March 9 Catholic Daughters and Jr Catholic Daughters

March 23 Knights of Columbus

March 30 RCIA

April 6 Fil-AM


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesday March 1st Mass in English 6:30, 8:30, 9:30am 4:30, 6:00pm
12:05 service only.
Mass in Spanish 7:00 pm all in the new church