Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Columbarium Information Meetings
First Thursday of the month
in the Conference Room
This Thursday - August 4

Religious Ed

Registrations for Spanish Religious Ed will be accepted only after Saturday evening and Sunday Mass. No Spanish Registrations will be accepted at the Parish Office.

Registrations for English Religious Ed are being accepted at the Parish Office. Registration Forms are on the foyer table or in the Parish Office.

Costs for either program:
One child $40.00
Two children $70.00
3 - 5 children $80.00

Registration is required each year.

A $5.00 late registration fee will be added after August 31st and registration ends September
30, 2010. If fee cannot be paid at time of registration, monthly payments may be made.

Religious Education
Elementary Rel Ed Wednesdays 4PM
Spanish Rel Ed Saturdays 9AM
RCIA Mondays 7PM

Youth Group/Religious Ed

High School Rel Ed Sundays 5 - 7PM PAC
Middle School Rel Ed Mondays 6 - 8PM PAC
Spanish Youth Group Fridays 7PM Basement

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2011 Northwest Catholic Men’s Conference

Men - mark your calendars for Friday evening and Saturday, September 23 & 24. We will be conducting our 2nd annual Fall Men’s Conference. This event will feature Bishop Joseph Tyson and Fr. Larry Richards, a nationally recognized speaker and author.
For additional information and registration
please see or call (509) 586-3820.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Columbarium Information Meetings
Ashes internment, prices, etc.

Saturday, July 16 at 9AM
Conference Room
Thursday, July 21 at 7PM
Conference Room