Friday, February 26, 2010

Calendar Raffle Winner

$50.00 winner is Gerry McHenry


On February 21, our Catechumens and Candidates celebrated the Rite of Sending by enrolling their names. Later that day, they celebrated the Rite of Election with Bishop Carlos Sevilla. At the Rite, our Catechumens (not Baptized) were presented to the Bishop. They were declared to be members of the Elect, that is, chosen by God. At this Rite, our Candidates (already Baptized) were recognized for their desire to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist and to be in full communion with the Church. All of our Elect and Candidates were impressed with the grandeur of this event!  All Parishes in the diocese that have an RCIA process were represented in Yakima on the First Sunday of Lent. Holy Family Parish was almost full.
Please continue to pray for the Elect and our Baptized Candidates as they prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation during this period of Purification and Enlightenment.


The doves hanging in the foyer have the names of our Confirmation candidates on them.
Please take one and commit to praying for that candidate as they prepare the receive the sacrament. To show your support, please drop off at the parish office a card or letter by March 5, 2010, with the candidate’s name on the outer envelope.

The candidates will be making a retreat March 12 - 14, 2010 and will be confirmed on May 1, 2010.

A special invitation

As one of the highlights of the “Year for Priests” designated by Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Sevilla and the priests of the diocese will offer the Annual Chrism Mass with the blessing and consecration of the Sacred Oils and the RENEWAL OF PRIESTLY COMMITMENT OF SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF THE DIOCESE OF YAKIMA on Tuesday evening, March 16th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Paul Cathedral in Yakima.

All are invited and encouraged to join together for this liturgy, as a special affirmation of the priests that serve in our diocese!!

A special invitation to our catechumens and candidates and those to be confirmed this year!!

Boy Scout Troop 168

Boy Scout Troop 168 participated in the Klondike Derby on February 20. Their snow caves and igloos were widely admired by the other troops. They were the fourth team to finish all the events on the Tundra Trail. Then in the afternoon, they came in first in the 14 and up sledge race and second in the 13 and below sledge race.

A great time was had by all.

We want to thank the parish for the support you have provided over the year.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Lent is the 40 day season of penance in reparation for the greatest event in human history, the redemption of the human race by Jesus Christ. Make plans now to ready your soul for this event.

Daily Mass
6:30 & 8:30AM Monday - Friday
8:30AM Saturday
All in the Church during Lent
7PM Thursdays (Spanish) in the Chapel
Stations of the Cross: Fridays
6:00 (English)
7:00PM (Spanish)
in the Church

Lenten Soup Thursdays
What: Lenten Mass and Soup Night
Where: St. Joseph’s Church and Dillon Hall
When: Each Thursday at 5:15 p.m.
Why: To feed ourselves and others
The offering you make for “dinner out” and “Mom’s night off” will help St. Vincent de Paul feed the hungry in the area. This will work if you are able to donate the cost of the meal you would enjoy at home.

Young Adults

Young Adults- age 18-35- come join us Thursdays, 7:00PM at the Christ the King Youth Center, 1080 Long Ave in Richland

Feb 11- Test your knowledge with Trivial Pursuit- Catholic Style

Feb 18- We will be starting a 6 week Lenten reflection on ‘Praying our Experiences’ more info to follow.

For more information or to join our email distribution list contact Tom at or at ‘Tri-City’s Catholic Young Adults’ on Facebook.

Escape to Jaguar Island

Tri-Cities Prep Catholic High School’s 13th Annual Fund Raising Auction “Escape to Jaguar Island” is set for Saturday March 13th at Prep’s Grant Activity Center, off Rd.100 in Pasco.
Enjoy delectable island cuisine along with live and silent auction items with all proceeds benefiting the student scholarship fund.
For more information on donations, reserved seats & group tables, call the Prep office at 509.546.2465 & visit

Immigration Discussion

A program will be aired on the local Catholic radio channel 100.7 FM/KHSS entitled 12 MILLION UNDOCUMENTED INDIVIDUALS: WHAT DOES CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT.

The program will be a 1-hour discussion featuring Fr. Matthew Nicks, Nancy Mudd Roach and Gabriel Portugal. The discussion moderator will be Tom Roach, a local attorney who specializes in immigration matters.

The program will air on Tuesday, February 16 from 5 - 6PM.

Christ the King Parish Invites You to:

New support group forming: “In the Wildflowers” is for women, 18 and over, who have been sexually abused. Led by trained facilitators who themselves have experienced healing through this program. Rediscover the joy you may have been missing in your life. Come and see what great things God has waiting for you to tap into. Healing is a journey and this group will help carry you on your way. You are God’s beloved and He is waiting for you!
Please call Sandy 628-0071 or Sheila 392-3489.
All calls are confidential.

LENTEN StudiesYoung Adults (18- 35) prepare for Easter with others in prayer and discussion with Praying Our Experiences on Thursday nights, starting Feb 18 at 7 PM in Christ the King’s Youth Center (1080 Long St, Richland)
Call Kay at 946-1154 x 222 for questions or to register.

‘Pig Out’ Dinner & Auction

Knights of Columbus #3999 Annual ‘Pig Out’ Dinner & Auction
Saturday, February 27, 2010 at the Hermiston Conference Center:
doors open 6:30PM, Dinner at 7PM.

We welcome you and all your friends. Over 100 auction items and a delicious Pork Loin Dinner -all for only $20 per person. Call and sign up for the dinner (there are no tickets) or purchase at the door. ($20 ea.) Save $: Reserve a table of 8 ($140 = $17.50 ea) or table of 10 ($170 = $17 ea).
Questions or Tickets:
Call Gene Erhardt 541-667-8376 or cell 541-310-9249
Raffle Tickets for 2 Wangye Skooters or $500 & $250 Grocery Sprees ($10 ea) and/or Tickets for ½ Beef or whole or ½ Pork ($5ea)

Natural Family Planning

Come and learn what God has in store for your marriage and your family! Natural family planning is safe, effective, and easy to use. This is NOT the rhythm method! Couples who use NFP have a 95% marriage success rate – come and see what you have been missing!

Classes in English on 2/23 at 6:30PM at Lourdes Women’s Clinic in Pasco.

Classes in Spanish on 2/20 in Benton City, and on 2/25 at 7PM at St. Patrick’s in Pasco.

Call Lourdes FertilityCare Center at 542-3036 for more information, or log onto

We teach women from menarche to menopause, married or single. Individual classes are also available – call to schedule.