If you are new to St. Joseph, we welcome you. If you would like to become a part of our Catholic Community, call the Parish Office, 586-3820 or just stop by the office. If you have a question, comment, or need to request something from the office please email to cpatnode@stjoseph-kennewick.org
Friday, June 20, 2008
For Summer Traveling: www.Masstimes.org
Search by City, Zip code or Phone
Or you can call
1-305-598-7490 (long distance charges apply)
And yes, I have started collecting wine for next year’s Art & Wine Event. So while you are traveling remember to pick up an extra bottle; then just drop it off at the parish office when you get home. I have room to store it. Thanks!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) Tri-Cities is offering a 5-week Preparation Days Retreat beginning Saturday, September 13 from 9:30 to 11:30 AM at the Parish of the Holy Spirit, Clearwater Avenue in Kennewick. Participants commit to daily prayer using SEEL-provided materials, keeping a prayer journal, and attending five Saturday meetings with trained spiritual directors. This program is a prelude to the full Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life, and participants who complete the retreat will have the opportunity to continue into the Exercises if they desire. For application or information, please contact Ellen Tomaszewski at 627-2908 or spiritualexercises@msn.com. Application deadline is September 1, 2008. Space is limited but all are welcome.
Annual Over 50’s Summer Garden Party
Thursday, June 26th from Noon to 3PM in the Convent Garden
An Afternoon of Fun for All. Renew old friendships.
Meet new friends. Share good news.
If you haven’t come before,
you are especially invited by Sr. Robert Joseph to come this year.
You will be glad you did!
Bring a salad or covered dish to share and a friend to enjoy it with.
If you need a ride or can provide a ride for someone else,
call Sr. Robert Joseph at 586-3958
It’s not a women event. All men are invited.
Bring your spouse or come alone!
If you are over 50, we serve you, if you are under 50,
you help me serve the others.
Please come and expand Our Circle of Love.
Catholic campus ministry
Catholic campus ministry programs exist at all of the State universities here in Washington including:
Western Washington University
Eastern Washington University
Central Washington University (email: mmgaines@hotmail.com or (509) 925-3043) and
University of Washington
Western Washington University
Eastern Washington University
Central Washington University (email: mmgaines@hotmail.com or (509) 925-3043) and
University of Washington
REACH Discipleship Camp - Call TODAY!!!!
Price Reduced - 1/2 price to $150!
Scholarships Available -- It’s not too late!!
A week long camp will be held at Cowiche from June 15-20. Come join the Reach teams on a fun-filled week that is centered around the sacraments and is full of praise and worship, games, prayer, fellowship, and the famous camp Olympics! You must be 15 and older, or entering the 9th grade to attend. Registration info can be found at www.reachym.com/events, or by calling 509-678-8754. This is a week you don’t want to miss!!
Price Reduced - 1/2 price to $150!
Scholarships Available -- It’s not too late!!
A week long camp will be held at Cowiche from June 15-20. Come join the Reach teams on a fun-filled week that is centered around the sacraments and is full of praise and worship, games, prayer, fellowship, and the famous camp Olympics! You must be 15 and older, or entering the 9th grade to attend. Registration info can be found at www.reachym.com/events, or by calling 509-678-8754. This is a week you don’t want to miss!!
Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has designated this year, beginning on
Saturday, June 28th, the Vigil of Saints Peter and Paul, as a special Jubilee Year of St. Paul, marking the 2000th year of his birth. Our Cathedral will initiate the festivities of this year-long
commemoration with a Mass to honor its patron on Saturday, June 28th, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. with Bishop Sevilla as principal celebrant, to which all are invited.
A reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres will follow in the Assembly Place, served by the Cathedral Stewardship Committee.
Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has designated this year, beginning on
Saturday, June 28th, the Vigil of Saints Peter and Paul, as a special Jubilee Year of St. Paul, marking the 2000th year of his birth. Our Cathedral will initiate the festivities of this year-long
commemoration with a Mass to honor its patron on Saturday, June 28th, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. with Bishop Sevilla as principal celebrant, to which all are invited.
A reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres will follow in the Assembly Place, served by the Cathedral Stewardship Committee.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
If you are interested to learn more about the Cursillo Movement in our Diocese, please plan to attend a brief information session at 7:00 PM on July 3 in the parish conference room.
Red Hat
Thursday, June 26th @ 1PM. Put on your Red Hat and join us! Any questions or to RSVP, please call Queen Bee Ricki Curran @ 736-6345. Membership is open to any St. Joseph’s woman age 50 and better.
June Birthdays
“Our Children’s Stewardship”
To help children overcome the first pangs of envy,
Remind them that everyone has different blessings.
Encourage them to think about the blessings that they
have that others do not have, rather than the things that
others have and they do not.
Remind them that everyone has different blessings.
Encourage them to think about the blessings that they
have that others do not have, rather than the things that
others have and they do not.
“Everyday-Everyway Stewards”
We are grateful this week for all steward disciples in our
parish who try to recognize and appreciate God’s gifts in
their lives.
parish who try to recognize and appreciate God’s gifts in
their lives.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute all our parishioners who are teachers and other
school workers as another school year comes to a close.
You all go beyond the scope of your jobs to use your time
and talent to teach the next generation
school workers as another school year comes to a close.
You all go beyond the scope of your jobs to use your time
and talent to teach the next generation
Stewardship Message
“Without cost you have received; without cost you are to
give.” Matthew 10:8
With these words, Jesus sent the Apostles out into the
towns and villages to do His work. We, too, have been
sent to do God’s work. We, too, must remember that we
are to give without counting the cost.
give.” Matthew 10:8
With these words, Jesus sent the Apostles out into the
towns and villages to do His work. We, too, have been
sent to do God’s work. We, too, must remember that we
are to give without counting the cost.
Potluck and Bingo
June 19th at Noon in Dillon Hall. Everyone is welcome, young, old, male or female. Bring your favorite dish and enjoy the fun.
Friday, June 6, 2008
REACH Discipleship Camp
A week long camp will be held at the Fr. Bernard Youth Center in Mt. Angel, OR from June 15-20. Come join the Reach teams on a fun-filled week that is centered around the sacraments and is full of praise and worship, games, prayer, fellowship, and the famous camp Olympics! You must be 15 and older, or entering the 9th grade to attend. Registration info can be found at www.reachym.com/events, or by calling 509-678-8754. This is a week you don’t want to miss!!
A week long camp will be held at the Fr. Bernard Youth Center in Mt. Angel, OR from June 15-20. Come join the Reach teams on a fun-filled week that is centered around the sacraments and is full of praise and worship, games, prayer, fellowship, and the famous camp Olympics! You must be 15 and older, or entering the 9th grade to attend. Registration info can be found at www.reachym.com/events, or by calling 509-678-8754. This is a week you don’t want to miss!!
Wonderful New Father’s Day Mass Cards are available at the main entrance of the Church. (Father’s Day is June 14th). These cards are provided without charge to those who wish to have a Mass offered for their father (living or deceased) on Father’s Day. Put your donation in the collection basket or drop off at the parish office.
CURSILLO NEWS: The Cursillo Weekends for June have been canceled. The next Cursillo Weekends will be held in October. If you have candidates for the weekends and need an application, you can find one on our website: www.cursillo.org/yakima/. Next team building will be held June 21, 2008, 9 to noon, Youth Center, Christ the King, Richland.
Wednesdays are
at the Holy Grounds
Bring your children to the
Holy Grounds Café
for GAMES and FUN every
Wednesday this summer!
While the KIDS play YOU can Enjoy a Latte, Mocha, Smoothie, or Sun Tea
with some of Mary Whites
delicious baked goods.
Wednesday Kids Day Hours: 9:00am – 11:00am (starting June 18th)
PARENTS: Please do not leave
or just drop off your child.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
St. Joseph Summer Carnival
June 27, 28, 29
Buy Advance Sale Tickets at the Parish Office
The $20.00 pre-sell tickets will buy 40 tickets.
The day of the carnival the tickets will sell for $22.00 and only buy 20 tickets.
Each carnival ride uses between 3 or 4 tickets. The tickets will also be good for the games at
the carnival. Tickets will only be sold at the parish office until 4PM on Thursday, June 26th.
There will be NO all day wrist bands!
Questions: Call the office,
Buy Advance Sale Tickets at the Parish Office
The $20.00 pre-sell tickets will buy 40 tickets.
The day of the carnival the tickets will sell for $22.00 and only buy 20 tickets.
Each carnival ride uses between 3 or 4 tickets. The tickets will also be good for the games at
the carnival. Tickets will only be sold at the parish office until 4PM on Thursday, June 26th.
There will be NO all day wrist bands!
Questions: Call the office,
Holy Grounds Summer Hours
Holy Grounds is open 8 to 11:30AM during the summer.
Stop in and have a latte and a goodie.
Stop in and have a latte and a goodie.
Last week to sign up for Summer Music Camp
Last week to sign up for St. Joseph’s Church Summer Music Camp for Children.
The camp is June 16-19 from 9:00 to 11:45AM each morning for children entering 2nd-6th grades. Sign up in the church office, 586-3820. Cost: $10, scholarships available. Join the fun, singing, games, and instruments!
The camp is June 16-19 from 9:00 to 11:45AM each morning for children entering 2nd-6th grades. Sign up in the church office, 586-3820. Cost: $10, scholarships available. Join the fun, singing, games, and instruments!
Openings at St. Joe's Children's Center
St. Joe’s Children’s Center has openings for full and part-time care in our summer camp beginning June 17th through August 21st.
Call 586-1428 for information
Call 586-1428 for information
“Our Children’s Stewardship”
Remind children that their prayers should also include a prayer asking God to tell them what He wants them to do. Too often, we do all the talking in our prayer and we never take time to listen to hear what God might want to say to us. Teach children to begin every day by asking God what He wants them to do for Him today.
“Everyday-Everyway Stewards”
We are grateful this week for all steward disciples in our parish who try to view God as the source of all things.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute all our parishioners who are working to get the St. Jerome’s Prologue to the “Commentary on Isaiah”: word out that Initiative 1000 is a bad step for our state.
Stewardship Message
“Let us know, let us strive to know the Lord: as certain as the dawn is his coming.” Hosea 6:3
Just as in the Parable of the Talents, our God is the owner of everything. He is the master who has entrusted many gifts to us. Someday He will return and ask, “What did you do with the gifts I gave to you? Will He be pleased with our report? Will we hear His invitation to lasting joy, “Well done, my good and faithful servant…Come, share your master’s joy.” Matthew 25:21
Just as in the Parable of the Talents, our God is the owner of everything. He is the master who has entrusted many gifts to us. Someday He will return and ask, “What did you do with the gifts I gave to you? Will He be pleased with our report? Will we hear His invitation to lasting joy, “Well done, my good and faithful servant…Come, share your master’s joy.” Matthew 25:21
Monday, June 2, 2008
Thanks from Catholic Family & Child Service

and services to over 11,000 children, families and elders in need in our community! In a changing world that sometimes seems so uncertain, your support will provide stability and a safety net for so many right in our own backyard. On their behalf, we thank you for your stabilizing influence and the compassion you show to the less fortunate. Christ once said that “Whatsoever you do unto the least of these, you do unto Me.” On behalf of the least among us, Thank You for your generous support
Stewardship Message
“And everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not act on them will be like a fool who built his house on sand.” Matthew 7:26
We all invest so much time, energy and resources into building our material home. Yet, it is not our permanent home. Our true home will be with God someday. Do we spend time, talent and treasure to build a strong foundation for our heavenly home? Or do we only put our efforts into an earthly home, which will be blown away like sand?
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute all our parishioners who have children graduating from pre-school through college. Working each day to guide and cherish the gift of the child God gave you is a true act of stewardship.
“Everyday-Everyway Stewards”
We are grateful this week for all steward disciples in our parish who try to share from their “first fruits.”
“Our Children’s Stewardship”
It is possible to live in imitation of Christ. Young and old alike, we all struggle daily to be true to who God calls us to be. The Church, especially through her sacraments, is there to nourish and guide you. It is a day-by-day journey, and the way may not always be clear. Daily prayer and weekly attendance at the Eucharist will be a tremendous help in enabling you to find your way.
We all invest so much time, energy and resources into building our material home. Yet, it is not our permanent home. Our true home will be with God someday. Do we spend time, talent and treasure to build a strong foundation for our heavenly home? Or do we only put our efforts into an earthly home, which will be blown away like sand?
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent Salute
We salute all our parishioners who have children graduating from pre-school through college. Working each day to guide and cherish the gift of the child God gave you is a true act of stewardship.
“Everyday-Everyway Stewards”
We are grateful this week for all steward disciples in our parish who try to share from their “first fruits.”
“Our Children’s Stewardship”
It is possible to live in imitation of Christ. Young and old alike, we all struggle daily to be true to who God calls us to be. The Church, especially through her sacraments, is there to nourish and guide you. It is a day-by-day journey, and the way may not always be clear. Daily prayer and weekly attendance at the Eucharist will be a tremendous help in enabling you to find your way.
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